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Showing posts from February, 2017

Facebook started monetization l revenue share 55 % l How to earn from facebook

Hello friends Facebook Will start monetization on their pages from April 2017 onwards. Here are the terms and conditions 1 your page or profile should have 2k or 2000 friends or followers. 2 You can only upload live streams on fb. 3 you can enable monetization when your video reach at 300 views at a particular time. 4 you can play first ad after 3 minute of continue live stream. 5 next ad you can apply after every 4 to 5 minutes  6 it works like news channels, so when ad is playing, no one can watch you and you can't watch followers. 7 viewers have to wait when ad is on. 8 no need of personal Adsense account. You can receive payment via PayPal or direct via direct cheque. 9 so wait till April 17 ,start growing your pages and get ready to earn well .

How to Earn money at home

How do I earn Rs. 200 a day in my free time using WiFi, a PC, and a smartphone? How can students earn part-time? Creative Pursuits:  If creativity is your calling, you can sell your artistic creations. Patrons are always in need of logos, painted t-shirts etc. Maybe your talents can get recognized and you can begin a small thing of your own. I have friends who do this T-Shirt painting, not for selling but for their friends and all. Isn’t this how Alma Mater started? Typing Jobs:  I can guarantee you this, you can earn very well about 5–7k from typing and typing along and that too, every 15 days! The difficult the language, the higher the pay. Hindi remains wildly popular. Back when my friends used to do this, the jobs came via the Cyber Cafe people who used to outsource chores like this. Now, yo may have to search to get started. Not that difficult though. All you need is a computer or laptop, and even that is optional, if you can borrow or shell out a few bucks in a cafe. Data Entr

Best Online Media Marketing Platforms To Increase Business Exposure

Web-based social Media or online marketing Platforms are mind blowing assets for organizations looking to promote their brands on the web. The platforms are easy and free to use but with paid advertisement options to promote brands that need to reach significantly new people. It’s essential that you pick the social networks that work best for your business. Here is the list of best social media platforms that suited for every type of business. Social Media Today, Social media become one of the top online marketing platform in the world of web. Social media provides a magical exposure to a brand or businesses. It can maximize your online networking use implies picking those stages and practices that suit your center business system. Here are some marketing platforms: Facebook More than 1.7 billion people use Facebook to interface with loved ones and find things that matter. Showcasing on Facebook helps to find new clients and assemble enduring associations with them. Google Cre

How To Loose Weight Quickly l 5 Simple Ideas to loose weight l

Just 5 tips on How to Lose Weight Fast Are you amongst the ones who are obese or a bit overweight? Is it difficult for you to change your eating habits and go for regular exercise? If yes, you are amongst most of the people in this world who want to lose weight fast but are unable to take any practical steps. You can try some of the  tips  we have gathered together. They will be helpful for you in the reduction of weight, which ultimately could make you healthier and more energetic. 1. Try replacing your meals with vegan meals: Vegan meals are an excellent way to help your  weight loss  goals. It is because you get rid of all fats and cholesterol, preventing them from reaching your body. When you cut off the source of new fats and cholesterol, then your body will start getting rid of the existing fats, meaning you will lose weight. If you add some workout, your balance in  consumption of the calories  will be reverted. That results in the quick  removal of the fat  from your body

Simple Steps To Promote Your Channel On YouTube

Starting Out The best way starting out to promote your content is by uploading a video around a topic that hasn't been uploaded on before. Gaming  If you are a gaming channel, take advantage of new games coming out and target anything and everything related to that game. I bought Black Ops 2 a week early for $400 and had 10+ videos ready to be uploaded the day of launch. It's important to be one of the first to upload. Music If you are singer, cover songs. Not only should you of course cover the big names like Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber, but also cover songs very few people have uploaded on.  How to If you are a how to channel, upload tutorials on something no one has uploaded on before. - If you are a makeup guru, upload make up tutorials on how to look like x boy or girl in x new awesome movie.  - If you are programming based how to channel. Don't simply upload tutorials on Java, instead find new technologies that you think could become widely used and upload a

Top 5 YouTube Channels In Each Category

Over the past couple of years, I have subscribed to over 100 channels. So this is going to be a long list. Take your patience pills. 1. Music AirwaveMusicTV : Does wonderful electronic, dubstep, house covers and mixes of both popular songs and Indie artists. BalconyTV : One of the most successful and long-running music show which features bands and artists from all over the world including, but not limited to, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Delhi, Dubai, Mumbai, Budapest. BlackmillMusic : Another dubstep/chill/electro artist, Blackmill is superb. boyceavenue : The first cover artist I ever followed on Youtube, boyceavenue does wonderful guitar covers and has an excellent choice of songs. Chill Valley Music : Similar to Airwave and Blackmill. Croft Sessions : Perfect for discovering indie music. EarthSync Records : A channel that focuses on earth, folk and fusion music as against the more popular genres. Fluidified : The best of ambient and chill music. Funky Panda™ : The mus

Simple tips to gain maximum watch time on YouTube ,,,,

Apart from offering something worth watching, here are a few tips to get more people watch your videos on YouTube. Video SEO : Make sure your video’s Title and description do have targeted keywords. That’s the most basic thing but still, many people fail to do so. Having well optimized Title , description and Tags will help you rank in search engine queries for the related keywords. You can also create backlinks to your video , sites like Quora are the best place to do so. Social Sharing: share your YouTube videos on all the popular social networks, where your potential audiences may exist. To drive traffic from social media to your YouTube page , you must have a decent number of followers. If you are already doing well on social media, you can easily get people to view your YouTube videos by sharing the link on social media/networking sites. Ask Engagement: You can ask your viewers to share, comment and like your video. This will help your video to appear in the news feed of p

5 Simple Tips To Make A Trending YouTube Video

Here are the 5 Tips to make a trending video on YouTube : 1. Load up Your Video Tags with Rich Keywords The more keywords you place into your videos, the more opportunities it creates for people to find your video. For example, if you a video about Peanuts, and you use only the keyword “peanuts”, then your video may appear when people search for that keyword. But what if you inserted a network of related keywords like “nuts, cashews, groundnuts, protein foods, almonds”? Suddenly you open up a huge door that people can walk through to find your video. Be sure to use the “Tags” field properly and add as many tags as you can think off. This is one of the biggest mistakes we see people make. 2. Transcribe Your Videos and Post the Entire Transcript into Your Video Description Websites do not currently have the ability to accurately fetch keywords from spoken audio in videos, so for now, written keywords are still a significant factor in video rankings. If you have a great presenta

Best Ideas To Make Your Own Trending YouTube Video

4 0 ideas to create a Youtube Video : 1. Room tour 2. Hair tutorial 3. Makeup tutorial 4. 50 things about me 5. Clothing collection 6. Summer clothesfavorites  7. How I edit... 8. What is on my phone 9. Back to school 10. Morning routine  11. Sports talk/ 12. Workout 13. Q&A 14. Unboxing video 15. What I got for... 16. Give away challenge 17. Study tutorials 18. Holiday life 19. 10 things I do when I am bored 20. What's in my bag 21. How to...videos 22. Commenting on comments 23. Day in a life of me 24. What guys or girls do 25. That is annoying 26. Best songs 27. Best movies 28. Night time routine  29. What annoys me 30. Room décor ideas 31. My reaction to old videos 32. Draw my life  33. Music videos 34. vlogs 35. Recent events  36. Rant video 37. Shoutout video  38. Slideshow best... 39. Whats in my...favorite youtube videos 40. Game play If you are a beginner on YouTube then these ides will help you to find out a better topic for mak

Simple Yoga And Diet To Stop Hair Fall l A Guide To Stop Hair Balding

This guide is not a collection of  any internet resource .Tips explained here are written by me after self excitement.  1. Shirsasan 2.KapalBhati and anulom vilom 3.Coconut oil at night 4.Salads,greens,Fruits 5 .Herbal shampoos  twice/thrice a week (No Artificial commercial products,No garnier,no head and shoulders means no chemicals) 6. Drink lots of water, Two glasses of water as soon as you get up ,first thing in the morning! 7.  Exercise like jogging  8.Less stress ,Be happy. You are advised on basis of self experiment by me after get awesome results. 

10 Hidden Facebook Features You Didn’t Know About l

10 Hidden Facebook Features You Didn’t Know About #1 Facebook Tracks You Facebook is using undefined technology so that they can track your every single click and browsing history of your browser, you must have realised that whenever you have liked any post of any XYZ page in Facebook the very next day the same page’s post will appear in your news feeds which means Facebook analysis and track you clicks and interest, so with that analytics they showing more about that related stuff. However, you can stop Facebook from tracking you. You just need to go through this post How to Stop Facebook & Google From Tracking You #2 You can disable the “Seen” feature Seen feature introduced by Facebook is useful but it might be unsuitable to many at the same time. However, you can disable the “Seen” feature on facebook chats. You just need to visit our post How To Hide “Seen” Feature On Facebook Chat/Messages. With this, you can disable the “Seen” feature from your Facebook conservation.

How To Get Ready in Just 5 Minutes l Quick Makeup Guide

Essential tips to get ready for a party In only five minutes: 1. Just apply only  moisturizer  if you have great skin or  BB cream  that suits your skin color. I'm not a fan of foundation, but if necessary for better coverage use this with the moisturizer. WHY? Cause you can just squirt some in your hand and apply it all over your face in seconds.  Time : 30 sec if you work quick. 2. Put some  concealer  under  eyes (and above if necessary) if you have dark circles that are still visible, or other uneven color areas. WHY? Cause it makes you look fresh and awake.  Time : 20 sec if you work quick and 20 more secs if you have to go over these spots again for better coverage. In between the drying you can work on other steps. 3. Fill in eyebrows with  eyebrow powder , doesn't have to be perfect (and you can skip this if you have great or shaped brows). WHY?  Cause we livin' in an eyebrow era, they gotta look great.  No seriously, they shape your face and can bring out yo

Jio का नया प्लान l अब नेट के पैसे लगेंगे l बहुत गुमराह करने वाला Offer l

रिलायंस जियो के मालिक मुकेश अंबानी ने भले ही मौजूदा जियो यूजर्स को बड़ी खुशखबरी दी हो, लेकिन इसमें एक लोचा भी है। ​सबसे खास बात ये है कि  मुकेश अंबानी ने  99 रुपये में प्राइम मेंबरशिप की सदस्‍यता देने की बात कही है, जिसमें यूजर्स को 303 रुपये प्रति महीने में अनलिमिटेड कॉलिंग और 1 जीबी डेटा डेली मिलेगा। योजना का लाभ लेने के लिए एक से 31 मार्च तक जियो यूजर्स को रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाना होगा। जियो प्राइम प्लान में शामिल होने वाले ग्राहकों की वन टाइम फीस 99 रुपये देनी होगी। इसके बाद 303 रुपये हर माह देने होंगे जिसमें वॉइस, विडियो कॉलिंग, 4जी इंटरनेट समेत जियो ऐप्स का फ्री सब्सक्रिप्शन जैसी सभी सेवाएं 31 मार्च 2018 तक मुफ्त रहेंगी। इसमें ध्यान देने वाली बात यह है कि 99 रुपये की यह मेंबरशिप मौजूदा 10 करोड़ जियो ग्राहक ही ले पाएंगे, यानि की जियो की इस योजना का असली फायदा केवल उन्ही यूजर्स को मिलेगा, जोकि 31 मार्च तक जियो के यूजर्स हैं। गौर करने लायक बात ये भी है कि मुकेश अंबानी ने अपने संबोधन में ये जिक्र नहीं किया कि मार्च 17 के बाद नए यूजर्स के लिए जियो कोई नया प्लान लेकर आएगा या नहीं। मार्च

How To Use Your Smartphone Better l Simple Life Hacks Of Mobile Phone l

1. Take a photo of your fridge or pantry before going to the store to help you remember what you need. 2. If you have a MacBook, your ear buds will stick to the screen. 3. Change the background on your lock screen to your name and emergency contact number in case your phone gets lost. Type the information into your notes app, take a screenshot, and change it to your lock screen. 4. Use the USB slot on the back of a TV to charge your phone while traveling. 5. If you have poor signal, flip your phone into airplane mode for a few seconds. When you turn it back off, your phone will automatically connect to the nearest cell tower. 6. Place your phone in a large cup before bed if you have trouble waking up in the morning. The sound of your alarm will be amplified by the cup. 7. If your grocery store has poor signal and you can’t access , take screenshot the deal you want before going into the store. Note:  Connect toTarget’s free Wi-Fi when you’re in store! 8. Use two dif

Remove Acne Holes Properly At Home Through Desi Remedies

Open pores are commonly found in oily skin, since excess oiliness cause frequent acne breakouts followed by unpleasant scars and marks. Open pores are usually stubborn when it comes to shrinking their size. There are some simple ingredients that are easily available at home to treat this condition. These skin-tightening and pore-shrinking home remedies are sure to give the desired results. Egg whites are well-known for their pore shrinking qualities.                                   Beat an egg white till it becomes frothy. Apply this as facial mask and wash off once it becomes dry.Using multani mitti as regular facial mask will help you in getting rid of hideous open pores that are highly visible.  Apply it mixed with water and rinse off once it dries. Dip clean cotton in butter milk and gently rub it all over your facial skin.  Rinse off with plain water after half an hour. Rub ice cubes on open pore areas such as  cheeks, nose, chins, and forehead.Apply freshly mashed tomato an

Follow These Simple Steps To Get Glowing Face In One Month with proof

The most visible part of anyone's face is the skin. If you have great flawless skin then half your job is done. Most people think its difficult to get good skin........but they are wrong. Just follow the given tips to get flawless glowing skin in one month: 1. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily without fail no matter what. Even if you don't feel thirsty drink, even if its winter time etc. Water cleanses the blood and helps flush out the toxic substances from your body. You will notice an improvement in your skin texture within a week or so. 2. Exercise regularly or whenever you can. This improves your blood circulation and makes your face look more radiant. Also it will help you achieve a healthy toned body and face!! 3. Follow a fixed beauty regime. Wash your face with a mild face wash every night before going to bed and whenever you return from an outing. Because your skin pores have become blocked as a result of being exposed to dust, smoke etc. Also if you have oily

Basic Things You Should Know About Your Skin

There are a few things that everyone should know about skin 1. Skin Cancer Risk Sun damage is cumulative from the very beginning. Sun exposure and sunburns, particularly before age 20, are a risk factor for skin cancer and especially melanoma.                Teaching children about sun safety and skin cancer prevention is of utmost importance.                Sun light avoidance should be practiced during the peak hours between 10 am and 4 pm.                 Sunblock should be used regularly and reapplied often, particularly if swimming or sweating.                Any new or changing lesion on the skin needs to be examined by a dermatologist.               People with fair skin, light colored eyes and hair are most susceptible to skin cancer BUT it can and does happen in every skin type.               80% of everything we consider aging changes on the skin (sallowness, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, etc) is due to sun damage.That way your eyes are familiar with everything on yo

7 Really Simple Face Exercises l Simple Face Yoga Guide

7 Really Simple Face Exercises 1. Puff Up Your Cheeks Puff out both of your cheeks and shift the air in your mouth from one cheek to the other, 5 times. Then release air while making a small “O”. Repeat the exercise three-four times to keep your cheeks firm 2. Stick Your Tongue Out No, seriously. Stick your tongue out as far as it will go, and hold this pose for 60 seconds. Repeat 3 times. 3. Look Up at The Ceiling Look up and pucker your mouth like you’re about to kiss something. Hold for 5 seconds, and repeat 5 times. For a more prominent jawline and high cheekbones, you can also stick out your tongue while looking up at the ceiling in order to stretch and strengthen the muscles in your neck. Note: Return to a neutral position to continue the exercise every time. 4. Oh! Drop your jaw to open your mouth, and make a small “O” with your lips. While keeping your jaw dropped, widen your lips like you’re going to smile. Keep repeating small “O” big “O” about 10 times. 5. Fish Face

10 Steps To Get Younger Looking Skin Naturally

Step by step guide to grow your skin younger naturally 1. Start with cleansing. You need to make sure that you clean your face with cold water only. If you make up... Make sure all cosmetic is removed. Please see your cotton should be white after 3 times cleaned. 2. Follow with good toner and moisturizer suit with your skin type. Essence is the good choice to put it as extra. 3. Don't forget eye cream and sunblock. Recommend sunblock not over than 30. If not you need to remove it with sunblock remover. 4. Add more with mask and scrub twice a week. Depend on your age. For me is twice. 5. Extra with laser suit with your need., consult with your skin doctor. 6. Face yoga 15 minutes per day. 7. Drink plenty of water minimum 1liter per day. Recommend if you lazy during a day. Choose small water bottle about 500ml., and you will reach more per day. 8. Calculate your sleep minimum 6-8 hr. if not next day your skin will dry.  9. Go to steam or sauna once a week to detox your toxi

How To Make Your Lips Pink At Home

Lips are the important part of every person beauty. Everybody wants to have a beautiful lips with pinkish color. There are some methods for pink lips: The most effective way to get naturally pink lips is to regularly exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush. You will only need to do dampen a soft bristled toothbrush and gently rub your lips using small circular motions. This slows off dead skin and stimulates blood flow to the lips, making them soft and pink. Moisturize -  Moisturization is the key when it comes to getting soft, pink lips. Use best hydrating lip balm during the day and petroleum jelly at night. Remove make up at night -  Leaving lip make-up on overnight can cause lips to become dried out and even discolored. Make sure to remove lipstick and lip liner with an effective makeup remover before bed. Wear lip balm with SPF -  Sun damage can dry out lips and cause them to become burned or discolored. To avoid this, you should always wear a lip balm with an SPF for protec

12 Signs That You Are Wasting Your Life l Must Read l

1. When you don’t feel like waking up in the morning. Nothing excites you about the day. 2. When most often than not, you act to please people and not yourself. 3. When you blindly follow societal norms without thinking on what is good for you and what is that you want. 4. When you be and do something you feel is too less than what you are worthy of. 5. When you just run behind making and hoarding money and related stuff ignoring the love, feelings and efforts of people who love you and have stood by you. 6. When you are available to everyone except your close ones and yourself. 7 . When you spend day cribbing about things around and don’t do anything to change it. 8. When looking back, all you do is regret and still don’t learn anything out of it. 9. When you do something you don't want to everyday and don’t do anything to change it. 10. When major chunk of day goes by watching television. reading whatsapp forwards, browsing social media, socializing and planning on where

How to became an Interesting person l Life Guide

Do not wash your linen in public. It is a huge turn-off. Do not cross line in any relationship. Your respect is in your hands. Do not open up too much with anyone. You certainly lose your charm. Keep a certain mystery element that draws them to you. Talk about good and positive things. Do not bitch. Your positivism and enthusiasm is certainly going to attract people to you. Talk and walk confidently. Be engaging. Everyone would want to listen to you.Be good at what you do, or at least be good in one thing that can help you start a great conversation. Be knowledgeable. Do not crib or complain or give excuses. These are the things every other person will do. Try to stand out from the crowd. Presence of mind and a great sense of humour is another feather on your cap. Wear a smile. For the whole world stops and stares awhile.

How to get a healthy skin l Simple Steps to get healthy skin in a week l

Skin is extremely important for good health, because it protects the rest of your body from germs and infectious agents. While many people want healthy skin because of the radiant appearance it provides, it can also be an indicator of overall health, and having healthy skin starts with having a healthy body. Skip the long, steamy showers  and opt for shorter, cooler sprays. Long, hot showers strip skin of its moisture and wash away protective oils. So limit showers to 10 minutes and keep the water cool.Check the dryness of your skin by scratching a small area on your arm or leg with your fingernail. If it leaves a white mark, your skin is indeed dry and needs both  moisture and exfoliation  (i.e., removal of the outermost layer of dead skin cells). Treat your neck and chest like an extension of your face. Your neck and upper chest area is covered by very sensitive skin, making it a prime spot for telltale signs of aging such as dryness, sun spots and wrinkles. To keep this area youth