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Showing posts with the label home remedies

Simple Yoga And Diet To Stop Hair Fall l A Guide To Stop Hair Balding

This guide is not a collection of  any internet resource .Tips explained here are written by me after self excitement.  1. Shirsasan 2.KapalBhati and anulom vilom 3.Coconut oil at night 4.Salads,greens,Fruits 5 .Herbal shampoos  twice/thrice a week (No Artificial commercial products,No garnier,no head and shoulders means no chemicals) 6. Drink lots of water, Two glasses of water as soon as you get up ,first thing in the morning! 7.  Exercise like jogging  8.Less stress ,Be happy. You are advised on basis of self experiment by me after get awesome results. 

Follow These Simple Steps To Get Glowing Face In One Month with proof

The most visible part of anyone's face is the skin. If you have great flawless skin then half your job is done. Most people think its difficult to get good skin........but they are wrong. Just follow the given tips to get flawless glowing skin in one month: 1. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily without fail no matter what. Even if you don't feel thirsty drink, even if its winter time etc. Water cleanses the blood and helps flush out the toxic substances from your body. You will notice an improvement in your skin texture within a week or so. 2. Exercise regularly or whenever you can. This improves your blood circulation and makes your face look more radiant. Also it will help you achieve a healthy toned body and face!! 3. Follow a fixed beauty regime. Wash your face with a mild face wash every night before going to bed and whenever you return from an outing. Because your skin pores have become blocked as a result of being exposed to dust, smoke etc. Also if you have oily

10 Steps To Get Younger Looking Skin Naturally

Step by step guide to grow your skin younger naturally 1. Start with cleansing. You need to make sure that you clean your face with cold water only. If you make up... Make sure all cosmetic is removed. Please see your cotton should be white after 3 times cleaned. 2. Follow with good toner and moisturizer suit with your skin type. Essence is the good choice to put it as extra. 3. Don't forget eye cream and sunblock. Recommend sunblock not over than 30. If not you need to remove it with sunblock remover. 4. Add more with mask and scrub twice a week. Depend on your age. For me is twice. 5. Extra with laser suit with your need., consult with your skin doctor. 6. Face yoga 15 minutes per day. 7. Drink plenty of water minimum 1liter per day. Recommend if you lazy during a day. Choose small water bottle about 500ml., and you will reach more per day. 8. Calculate your sleep minimum 6-8 hr. if not next day your skin will dry.  9. Go to steam or sauna once a week to detox your toxi

How to get a healthy skin l Simple Steps to get healthy skin in a week l

Skin is extremely important for good health, because it protects the rest of your body from germs and infectious agents. While many people want healthy skin because of the radiant appearance it provides, it can also be an indicator of overall health, and having healthy skin starts with having a healthy body. Skip the long, steamy showers  and opt for shorter, cooler sprays. Long, hot showers strip skin of its moisture and wash away protective oils. So limit showers to 10 minutes and keep the water cool.Check the dryness of your skin by scratching a small area on your arm or leg with your fingernail. If it leaves a white mark, your skin is indeed dry and needs both  moisture and exfoliation  (i.e., removal of the outermost layer of dead skin cells). Treat your neck and chest like an extension of your face. Your neck and upper chest area is covered by very sensitive skin, making it a prime spot for telltale signs of aging such as dryness, sun spots and wrinkles. To keep this area youth

What are the causes and treatment of ACNE ? How to prevent ACNE through home remedies.

Nothing can be more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to finally have clear skin, and then realizing the hard way that bad breaks don't necessarily end when your teenage years do. Coming to terms with adult acne is difficult—best rest secured, well there is no single woman dealing with zits, there are numerous, who are thinking why basically does this happens. Even though the outlook seems tedious (acne and wrinkles sounds like some sort of sick joke, right?), but we just keep on thinking why basically they occur dude. The hell part is when they leave the spot which remains like for months. Some of the reasons are here which I think can be behind this because I have faced this issue at high level. 1. Your hormones can be blamed. Fluctuation in hormones, such as before one's menstrual cycle, is the main cause. This usually rears its ugly head in the form of deep (painful) cystic acne around the chin, neck, and back. (Thanks a lot hormones!) 2. Another influential