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Internal Security challenges for India

Internal security is the security that lies within the borders of a country. It ensures the maintenance of peace, law & order and protection of sovereignty within territory of a country. Internal security is different from external security. External security is considered as the security against aggression by a foreign country. Maintaining the external security is the responsibility of the armed forces of the country such as the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force in India. While internal security comes under the purview of the police, which can also be supported by the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) as per the requirement. In India, the internal security matters are governed by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). If we look at the past, India’s internal security problems have multiplied because of linguistic riots, inter-state disputes and ethnic tensions. Our country was forced to redefine its inter state boundaries due to linguistic riots in 1956. After that, the rise

Vocal for Local making India a greater hub

Vocal for Local is an initiative to boost the employment opportunities in India. Our PM Narendra Modi coined the term ‘Vocal for Local’ to encourage the people to promote the local products worldwide. He said in his Independence day speech on 15th August 2020, "The mindset of free India should be 'vocal for local'. We should appreciate our local products, if we don't do this then our products will not get the opportunity to do better and will not get encouraged," Vocal for Local initiative encourages the people to start producing their own products and hence, reducing the use of imported goods. The need of ‘Vocal for Local’ arose during the lockdown period when all the mediums of transport were on halt and the entire world realize the usefulness of local products. The positive effect of Vocal for Local is seen during the festive seasons like Diwali and Dashara. People of the country appreciated local products and purchased local made diya and many other things use

Marriage age for girls in India -Group discussion

Why in News • Recently, the Union Cabinet cleared a proposal to bring uniformity in the marriageable age of men and women. •By amending the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA), 2006 and other personal  law, the legal age of marriage of women will be raised rom 18 to 21 years. •The decision is based on the recommendation of a four-member task force led by  former Samata Party chief Jaya Jaitly. •The SC has power under Article 139A to transfer to itself, cases involving the same  or substantially the same questions of law pending before two or more high courts. • It has been argued that the different ages for marriage violated the  fundamental rights of equality (Article 14), protection against discrimination  (Article 15), and dignity of life (Article 21) of citizens and went against India’s  commitment under the convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination  against women (CEDAW). Note: •The task force was set up to re-examine the age of marriage and its correlation to 

Police Reforms in Indian Police system

Why in News: In a recent reply in the Parlaiment, the government disclosed that between 1 st April and 30th November, 2015, 25,357 cases were registered under police category which included 111 deaths in police custody, 330 cases of custodial torture and 24,916 in others. •This data again lays emphasis on the need to make police accountable and carry  out police reforms. Key Points •Police Reforms (Meaning): • Police reforms aim to transform the values, culture, policies and practices of  police organizations. • It envisages police to perform their duties with respect for democratic values,  human rights and the rule of law. • It also aims to improve how the police interact with other parts of the security  sector, such as the courts and departments of corrections, or executive,  parliamentary or independent authorities with management or oversight  responsibilities. • Police come under the state list of schedule 7 of the Indian constitution. Issues Concerning Police Forces: •Colonial

Preamble of Our Constitution : SSB GD topic

The preamble to the Constitution of India is a brief introductory statement that sets out the guiding purpose, principles and philosophy of the constitution. The ideals behind the Preamble to India’s Constitution were  laid down by Jawaharlal Nehru’s Objectives Resolution,  adopted by the Constituent Assembly on January 22, 1947. Although  not enforceable in court , the Preamble states the objectives of the Constitution, and acts as an aid during the interpretation of Articles when language is found ambiguous. Preamble gives an idea about the following : (1) the source of the constitution, (2) nature of Indian state (3) a statement of its objectives and (4) the date of its adoption. Components of Preamble It is indicated by the Preamble that the source of authority of the Constitution lies with the people of India. Preamble declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. The objectives stated by the Preamble are to secure justice, liberty, equality to all

Discussion on Crypto Currency by garhwal sir for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion exam

Cryptocurrency is digital currency that allows transaction to remain anonymous while confirming the transaction is valid. It is type of peer-to-peer transaction in which blockchain technology is used. These are becoming common like Bitcoin, litecoin are frequently used at international market.  Facebook also launched its own cryptocurrency Libra. In Modern era importance of digital currency is increasing day by day because of various reasons. The most important one is-  Its easy access and global recognition. It promote decentralized system of currency which can be accessed globally. In addition to this, it is digital currency so it's market remains same worldwide. It facilitates quick transaction which hardly take few minutes and personal details are not disclosed or shared that's why it can be an important tool for E-Commerce. Countries like Japan legalized Bitcoin as a currency and India is also attempting to introduce its own cryptocurrency called Lakshmi. Besid

Trade war and its impact on global economy Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Trade war and its impact on global economy: Trade war is a situation where two or more countries try to destroy the trade between them by imposing restriction. Trade war is an economic battle between countries where they levy additional taxes on each others products exports in order to protect their on Economy. A trade war happens when one country retaliates against another by raising import tariffs or placing restrictions on the other countries imports.   Trade war does have its own advantages and disadvantages as well. It promotes local job growth and  it will also increase demand for domestic goods and protect nations with un-ethical trade policies, on the other hand It increase costs and it will also slows down economic growth. It hurts diplomatic relations and cultural exchange between nations. Due to trade war various Nations have moved towards protecting their economy to tackle the race of International Trade like in India various programs like make in India, startup

Cashless Economy in india Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2 exam

Cashless Economy (Defination):  The cashless economy refer to the flow of currency through electronic channels such as debit /credit card, internet banking, mobile banking, point of sales (PoS) etc.  The caseless economic activity usually happens in three different modes namely mobile or e-wallet,  plastic money, internet banking. Benefits of cashless economy:  1. Transparency and efficiency : it make your transactions efficient and transparent. 2. Save money and time: One can transfer money from anywhere and anytime.  3. It also provides  facilities like online shopping and online education. 4. It helps to remove black money from the Indian economy. It also remove the middleman and help to deposit subsidiary Benefits directly into citizens account. 5. Young population:  As per Census 2011 75% of Indian population is below 45 years of age. This young generation is very sensitive to to environment and prefer this fast and smooth transaction, so they prefer digital transactio

Suicide by young people, current challenges, reasons and solutions. GD Topic for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion.

Candidate 1. Good morning everyone . Today we are going to discuss a most important topic that is suicide by young people.The suicide rate in this age group between 15-29 is the highest among others because it's an age of adolescence where you practically meet with the bitter reality of the society. Candidate 2. I am totally agree with Candidate 1. suicide rate in this age group between 15-29 is the highest among others because it's an age of adolescence where you practically meet with the bitter reality of the society. Candidate 3.  According to me suicides rates are increasing because if less opportunities whether in govt or private sector. .population is so high that not everyone get chance to work, n face many rejections and unable to handle stress.end up in suicide.  Candidate 4.  The sucide rate is increasing among young people they become depress due to failures And challenges of life. Candidate 5.  Good Morning Everyone  From my point of view suicide rates are increasin

Should internet freedom be sacrificed for national security ? GD Material

Should internet freedom be sacrificed for national security? Internet plays an important role in an individual’s life. This role is further increased due to the current corona pandemic. There’s no doubt in the fact that without internet, life cannot be imagined in today’s era. The one benefit which we have over our forefathers is the gift of technology. It helps us in a number of ways such as listening music, accessing different study material at one click. One can do shopping in minutes without wasting his precious time. Internet saves one’s time and help him in enjoying his life to the fullest. There are also individual who cannot enjoy this gift due to server all reasons. Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, every individual has the right to life. Right to life does not mean a mere animal existence, it includes a healthy environment, quality education, proper services, etc. Our apex court, in a number of cases has expanded the scope of Article 21. Recently, the honourable ap

Notes on Cyber Security for Airforce Group Discussion

Cyber Security: (Important Notes for Airforce Group Discussion Phase2) --Cyber Security is protecting cyber space including critical information infrastructure from attack, damage, misuse and economic espionage. -- Science and Technology has changed the face of everything and reduced the level of efforts.The era has arrived when even warfare also got a technical face. --As everything on paper is now on servers.Cyber threat has emerged as a new mode of stealing. Sources of cyber threat - -cyber groups -hackers -spyware and malware -terrorists Need for Cyber Security: --For Individuals: Photos, videos and other personal information shared by an individual on social networking sites can be inappropriately used by others, leading to serious and even life-threatening incidents. --For Business Organizations: Companies have a lot of data and information on their systems. A cyber attack may lead to loss of competitive information (such as patents or original work), loss of employees/customers

Visakhapatnam Gas Leakage Issue GD Topic for Airforce Phase2

Visakhapatnam Gas Leak Issue (Important Notes for Group Discussion) •The styrene gas leak is a sad reminder of how our industries do not regulate themselves properly - be it their processes, facilities, overall functioning etc.  •In the case of LG Polymers India Pvt Ltd., styrene gas is used as one of the basic blocks in this industry that got leaked in Vishakhapatnam city. Causes : -The faulty onsite storage was the prime cause of the styrene gas leak as it was not stored at a certain temperature at which it was supposed to be stored.(17℃)  -This resulted in an increase in the pressure in the storage container and its subsequent leakage and dispersal to the nearby areas. What had happened in Styrene Gas leak case in India? •killed several people ans left hundred sick. •people tried to flee but the chemical rendered them unconscious. Styrene : -The chemical formula is C8H8. It is a synthetic chemical derivative of benzene. -It is liquid and flammable in nature. It is found in vehicle e

Naxalism in India GD Topic for Airforce Phase2

As soon as the GD is open.   Candidate 1.  Good Morning Friends, let me take the privilege to initiate the discussion on given topic Naxalism in India. Actually naxalism name came from a village named NAXALBARI in west Bengal and started these activities from 1967 around .  Candidate 2. Naxalism is becoming a larger and larger threat to India. It's the biggest internal security threat to India. Their  attacks on security forces increasing day by day, just reveals the absence of law and loopholes of the Government. Candidate 3. As per my opinion Due to strict forest laws, these tribal people have to re-locate their habitat and find a new source of earning. But it becomes difficult for them to survive like this. That's why these people often join Naxalites and use weapons for the protection of their territory. Candidate 4.  Main naxalism region are jharkhand, chhattisgarh, eastern part of India where people live in fear that any time attack can be done by naxals and due to that t