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Showing posts with the label freedom

Should internet freedom be sacrificed for national security?

Internet plays an important role in an individual’s life. This role is further increased due to the current corona pandemic. There’s no doubt in the fact that without internet, life cannot be imagined in today’s era. The one benefit which we have over our forefathers is the gift of technology. It helps us in a number of ways such as listening music, accessing different study material at one click. One can do shopping in minutes without wasting his precious time. Internet saves one’s time and help him in enjoying his life to the fullest. There are also individual who cannot enjoy this gift due to server all reasons. Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, every individual has the right to life. Right to life does not mean a mere animal existence, it includes a healthy environment, quality education, proper services, etc. Our apex court, in a number of cases has expanded the scope of Article 21. Recently, the honourable apex court held that Right to Life also includes access to inte