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How to Tackle Naxalism in India? Group Discussion notes for Airforce Phase 2

How to Tackle Naxalism in India? ✔️Naxalism & Maoism ●The term Naxalism derives its name from the village Naxalbari of West Bengal. It originated as rebellion against local landlords by the ideologues of left-wing extrem groups for rightful redistribution of the land to working peasants.  ◆These extremists were known as naxals and their movement was called as naxal movement, which has, later spread across the Eastern India; in less developed areas of states such as Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.  ●The naxals supported Maoist political ideology and outfits. Maoism is a variant of communism developed by Mao Tse Tung. The Maoist insurgency doctrine glorifies violence as the primary means to overwhelm the existing democratic state structure . ✔️Reasons for the Spread of Naxalism ●Land Reforms: The failure of implementation of land reforms (land ceiling and redistribution of land to landless) that affected both social and economic conditions of the people. ●Social inequality:

Compulsory Military Training - Notes for Group discussion for Airforce Phase 2 by Garhwal Sir

Compulsory Military Training ●it is a form of compulsory enlistment of local people in national service or military service. It is something that is going on from ages in some places, and really helped people.  ●In India also, some people are in favor of compulsory military training. They want the central government to seriously consider the proposal of military training in educational institutes. Arguments in favour - ◆India faces the shortage of military officers, and the step could help the government to get the required number. ◆It will provide a morale boost and a stronger representation to the army brigade of Himachal Pradesh. ◆The restructuring of regiments by making military training compulsory will lower down the walls of differences between rural and urban India, the different states and the communities. ◆The compulsory military training will be a form of vocational training that will utilize some years of youth life for constructive purposes. ◆Military training will instill

What is a constitution ? Discuss its need.

Constitution is a set of document written or unwritten by which governance of a country can be carried out. Need of the Constitution: 1. It brings together people from different groups such as religion, society, philosophy etc. 2. It set the basic structure of the governing machinery of the country such as Legislature, Executive and Judiciary and maintain thier balacne. 3. It defines the power of the government and set limit to it extent. 4. It provide a basic set of rights to the citizens against the tyranny of the government, in order to bring wholesome psycho-social development of the people. 5. It provides the bedrock platform for the democracy to thrive, which is in essence is very basic need to have the constitution. Thus, constitution is very much needed for justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, freedom, ideals which are enshrined in the preamble of the Indian constitution.

Discussion on Crypto Currency by garhwal sir for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion exam

Cryptocurrency is digital currency that allows transaction to remain anonymous while confirming the transaction is valid. It is type of peer-to-peer transaction in which blockchain technology is used. These are becoming common like Bitcoin, litecoin are frequently used at international market.  Facebook also launched its own cryptocurrency Libra. In Modern era importance of digital currency is increasing day by day because of various reasons. The most important one is-  Its easy access and global recognition. It promote decentralized system of currency which can be accessed globally. In addition to this, it is digital currency so it's market remains same worldwide. It facilitates quick transaction which hardly take few minutes and personal details are not disclosed or shared that's why it can be an important tool for E-Commerce. Countries like Japan legalized Bitcoin as a currency and India is also attempting to introduce its own cryptocurrency called Lakshmi. Besid

Suicide by young people, current challenges, reasons and solutions. GD Topic for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion.

Candidate 1. Good morning everyone . Today we are going to discuss a most important topic that is suicide by young people.The suicide rate in this age group between 15-29 is the highest among others because it's an age of adolescence where you practically meet with the bitter reality of the society. Candidate 2. I am totally agree with Candidate 1. suicide rate in this age group between 15-29 is the highest among others because it's an age of adolescence where you practically meet with the bitter reality of the society. Candidate 3.  According to me suicides rates are increasing because if less opportunities whether in govt or private sector. .population is so high that not everyone get chance to work, n face many rejections and unable to handle stress.end up in suicide.  Candidate 4.  The sucide rate is increasing among young people they become depress due to failures And challenges of life. Candidate 5.  Good Morning Everyone  From my point of view suicide rates are increasin

Should internet freedom be sacrificed for national security ? GD Material

Should internet freedom be sacrificed for national security? Internet plays an important role in an individual’s life. This role is further increased due to the current corona pandemic. There’s no doubt in the fact that without internet, life cannot be imagined in today’s era. The one benefit which we have over our forefathers is the gift of technology. It helps us in a number of ways such as listening music, accessing different study material at one click. One can do shopping in minutes without wasting his precious time. Internet saves one’s time and help him in enjoying his life to the fullest. There are also individual who cannot enjoy this gift due to server all reasons. Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, every individual has the right to life. Right to life does not mean a mere animal existence, it includes a healthy environment, quality education, proper services, etc. Our apex court, in a number of cases has expanded the scope of Article 21. Recently, the honourable ap

How to give Self Introduction in 1 Minute during Airforce Group X and Y ( Phase2 )

Self introduction is a part of Airforce Phase2 testing.  First of all you will be given an unseen passage. You will be given 5 Minute (Approx) time to read it out. You have to tell the Topic or Title of this passage while introducing yourself. You will be given Approx 1-1.5 minutes to introduce yourself and after it discussion will start with your group members.  How you can give your Introduction: - ‘Hello sir (Good morning/ Afternoon/Evening). I am…………… (Your Full name). My Father's name is Mr/Late Shri…………. (Your Father name) and he is a ………. (father occupation). My mother's name is Mrs/Late Smt………. (Your Mother Name) and She is a ………. (Mother Occupation). I have…… sisters or brothers.(If all are younger than you pls mention). I have complete 12th or higher secondary education with ## percentage from (Name of educational board) And currently I am persuing (current education) from (Name of college). Complete introduction within 30-35 sec.  During introduction you

Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion Topic Education System in India

Traditional education system: Advantages and Disadvantages In traditional education, students are gathered under a roof at a specific time and specific place. The teaching style of traditional education is teacher-driven. Advantages: •Punctuality: The students will have a specific time for every period and time for taking a break. This timing is all planed at the beginning, the students follow this routine and make them punctual and disciplined. •Social interactions: The students interact with their peers which help them in character building. They learn to share and respect others. •Extracurricular activities: This gives the students an opportunity to showcase their hidden talent to others. This helps them recognized for their talents and are able to excel in their life. •Face to face interactions: The students are able to have direct interactions with their teachers. They are able to ask questions and more explanations on the areas they have doubts. Disadvantages: •Generalized learni

Lokpal Act Notes for Group Discussion Airmen Phase2 by Garhwal Sir

The Lokpal Act:-    - This  Act  provides for the  establishment of a body of Lokpal  for the Union  and  Lokayukta for  States  to inquire  into  allegations  of  corruption  against  certain public  functionaries  and  for  matters  connected therewith or incidental thereto.    - It was  passed in 2013.   -  Lokpal has to enquire into allegations of corruption against public functionaries of the central government  in a time-bound manner.  Jurisdiction:   -The Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of  Parliament and officers and officials of the Central Government.    Composition:-   -The  Lokpal consists of  a  Chairperson  with  a maximum of  8 members of  which  50%  shall  be judicial members.   -50% of the members of the Lokpal shall come from amongst  the  SCs,  the  STs,  the  OBCs,  minorities, and women.  Selection of the Members:-    -The selection of the Chairperson and the members of Lokpal shall be  through a  Selection  Committee consisting  of  the  Prime  Minister,  the 

Citizenship Amendment Act CAA notes for Airforce Group Discussion

Citizenship Amendment Act(CAA) Notes for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion. •This Amendment Act(2019)seeks to amend the Citizenship Act,1955. •It amends the definition of an illegal immigrant for six religious communities including Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist, Jains and Christian from three countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who entered India territory on or before December 31, 2014, will not be considered illegal immigrants. •It also exempts these communities from the Foreigners Act, 1946 and the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920. •This Amendment allows a person to apply for citizenship by registration or naturalisation if the person meets specific qualifications. The Argument against CAA: -Violation of Article 14 of the Constitution and the principle of secularism enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution. -India has several other refugees that include Tamils from Sri Lanka and Hindu Rohingya from Myanmar. They are not covered under the Act. -It will be