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Follow These Simple Steps To Get Glowing Face In One Month with proof

The most visible part of anyone's face is the skin. If you have great flawless skin then half your job is done. Most people think its difficult to get good skin........but they are wrong. Just follow the given tips to get flawless glowing skin in one month:

1. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily without fail no matter what. Even if you don't feel thirsty drink, even if its winter time etc. Water cleanses the blood and helps flush out the toxic substances from your body. You will notice an improvement in your skin texture within a week or so.

2. Exercise regularly or whenever you can. This improves your blood circulation and makes your face look more radiant. Also it will help you achieve a healthy toned body and face!!

3. Follow a fixed beauty regime. Wash your face with a mild face wash every night before going to bed and whenever you return from an outing. Because your skin pores have become blocked as a result of being exposed to dust, smoke etc. Also if you have oily skin and tend to sweat more, wash your face immediately after coming home. The basic idea is to keep your skin clean at all times. Otherwise you might develop pimples and blemishes.

4. Use a face scrub every 3 days after your face wash to remove the layer of dead skin cells. Himalaya's apricot face scrub is pretty good for this purpose as it gently removes the black heads too and moisturises my face.

5. If you live in India you must be knowing that aloe vera gel is easily available in the market at a reasonable price. Take a small amount of the aloe vera gel (patanjali is quite good) and few drops of gulabari rose water. Mix and apply the mixture on your face to form a layer. It will dry in a few minutes. Go off to sleep. Next morning wash your face with your face wash after getting up. This technique helps prevent blemishes and brings a radiant glow to the skin, provided you do this every night without fail. (I discovered this hack of the combo of these two products by chance. They can do wonders to your skin)

6. Never miss sleep. Its important to get your 7-8hrs of beauty sleep everyday otherwise your eyes look puffy and tired and you develop dark circles.

7. Lastly smile from within. Smile carefree without any worries. Smile with your eyes. Smile confidently showing all your teeth. A great smile always brightens up a face, making it look prettier. :)

Thanks me later but follow this blog now for more beauty and health care advises.


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