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Discussion on Crypto Currency by garhwal sir for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion exam

Cryptocurrency is digital currency that allows transaction to remain anonymous while confirming the transaction is valid. It is type of peer-to-peer transaction in which blockchain technology is used. These are becoming common like Bitcoin, litecoin are frequently used at international market.  Facebook also launched its own cryptocurrency Libra. In Modern era importance of digital currency is increasing day by day because of various reasons. The most important one is-  Its easy access and global recognition. It promote decentralized system of currency which can be accessed globally. In addition to this, it is digital currency so it's market remains same worldwide. It facilitates quick transaction which hardly take few minutes and personal details are not disclosed or shared that's why it can be an important tool for E-Commerce. Countries like Japan legalized Bitcoin as a currency and India is also attempting to introduce its own cryptocurrency called Lakshmi. Besid

10 Best Foods that can save your Heart

Black Beans Mild, tender black beans are packed with heart-healthy nutrients. Folate, antioxidants, and magnesium can help lower blood pressure. Their fiber helps control both cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Add beans to boost soups and salads. Prep Tip : Rinse canned beans to remove extra salt. Red Wine and Resveratrol If you drink alcohol, a little red wine may be a heart-healthy choice. Resveratrol and catechins, two antioxidants in red wine, may protect artery walls. Alcohol can also boost HDL, the good cholesterol. Tip:  Too much alcohol hurts the heart. Don’t have more than one drink a day for women or two drinks for men. It’s best to talk to your doctor first. Alcohol may cause problems for people taking aspirin and other medications. Salmon: Super Food A top food for heart health, it’s rich in omega-3s. Omega-3s are healthy fats that may lessen the risk of heart rhythm disorders and lower blood pressure. They may also lower triglycerides and curb inflammation. The Am

ISRO created history, launched 104 satellites in a single mission

ISRO has launched 104 satellites and created a history. World agencies are still to react on this grand success but US already reacted on the success history of PSLV the workhorse of ISRO. US launch companies are very much scarred about this and they want to ban ISRO rockets. the total no. of satellites are 104…. These all 104 satellites are accomodated in a single rocket and that is a world record . The highest number of satellites launched in a single mission is 37, a record that Russia set in 2014. The US space agency NASA launched 29. How it will be possible to launch 104 satellites in a single rocket This is the size of a CubeSat- The size of 1 CubeSat is almost equal to a lunch box. ISRO will be launching 100 CubeSats as well as the CartoSat 2D, INS-1A and INS- 1B Satellites. The total weight of the 100 satellites is 500 kg. In comparison, the CartoSat 2D weighs 730 kg. The total payload weight is 1,250 kg. However, ISRO has previously launched payloads upwards of 1,400

Top 5 Bad habits you should STOP immediately or you will regret in future

Masturbation -  Stop masturbation! you spend your time watching porn's, and then you decide to masturbate. This gives you temporary joyness and makes you a Sexoholic. Procrastination - “At present respect your time, or time will disrespect you in future.” You procrastinate constantly, its a sign of looming of eradication. you skip your important tasks for the next day, which is not gonna happen. You heard that lines, “So don’t make anyone fool”, I say, “Don’t make yourself fool.” Social networking sites :  Use this apps, sites to benefit your career, but not to detriment it. I would recommend you to use Whatsapp only to interact with those success seekers. I mean, if you are preparing for GMAT, CAT, UPSC etc, find their Whatsapp groups, so that you can get involved with. This could be like a kick, whenever you feel lazy, those group messages would keep you on heat to pursue for your goals. Halt to read -  You want those great people to be as your mentors, but you can’t