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Showing posts with the label stop unwanted sex

What are the best practices to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

Condom are safest as they prevent from unwanted pregnancy and Stds. But if you want other methods here they are i have compiled the data from different sources and some of the products may not be available in India. Following are the Methods: IUDs - T- shaped device placed inside the uterus, can be last upto 12 years, they release copper or progestine hormone which prevent sperm for fertilizing the egg. 2. Injection: A shot of hormone progestine which need to taken every three month. 3. Sponge: To be inserted in vagina. It works in two ways - It blocks your cervix to keep sperm from getting into your uterus, and it continuously releases spermicide Which kills sperms. 4. Pills: contains hormone progestin and estrogen or just progestin. 5. A patch which can sticked for upto 3 weeks and releases hormones Estrogen and progestin. 6. Spermicide: gels and foams to be applied whih kills sperms. 7. Implant: A small rod inserted in woman’s upper arm and it releases hormones works fo