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Simple Steps To Promote Your Channel On YouTube

Starting Out

The best way starting out to promote your content is by uploading a video around a topic that hasn't been uploaded on before.

 If you are a gaming channel, take advantage of new games coming out and target anything and everything related to that game. I bought Black Ops 2 a week early for $400 and had 10+ videos ready to be uploaded the day of launch. It's important to be one of the first to upload.

If you are singer, cover songs. Not only should you of course cover the big names like Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber, but also cover songs very few people have uploaded on. 

How to
If you are a how to channel, upload tutorials on something no one has uploaded on before.

- If you are a makeup guru, upload make up tutorials on how to look like x boy or girl in x new awesome movie.
 - If you are programming based how to channel. Don't simply upload tutorials on Java, instead find new technologies that you think could become widely used and upload an entire series on that technology.

Short and sweet, upload based on what's currently happening in the world.

What you are basically doing in this phase is finding a niche market that no one cares about YET.

Mid Subscriber Time (5,000 views per new video)

Subscribers are amazing because they'll help your channel grow exponentially. Once you reach around 5,000 views per video you can start targeting keywords that were hard to target before. However, be careful here. Now that you have subscribers, don't go chasing after every new opportunity and lose your fan base. 

Super Subscriber Club (50,000+ per new video)

If you've reached this phase then high five you did it! Once you reach this phase you should (1) focus more on your subscribers and make content for them (2) go for high traffic keywords like "Call of Duty: Multiplayer", "How to get rid of acne" or just upload awesome content. 


One final comment, make content that people want to watch. Look at your analytics, and focus on your audience retention. Don't stare at how many views a day you are getting, instead become obsessed with how people view and engage with your content. 


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