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How to Tackle Naxalism in India? Group Discussion notes for Airforce Phase 2

How to Tackle Naxalism in India? ✔️Naxalism & Maoism ●The term Naxalism derives its name from the village Naxalbari of West Bengal. It originated as rebellion against local landlords by the ideologues of left-wing extrem groups for rightful redistribution of the land to working peasants.  ◆These extremists were known as naxals and their movement was called as naxal movement, which has, later spread across the Eastern India; in less developed areas of states such as Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.  ●The naxals supported Maoist political ideology and outfits. Maoism is a variant of communism developed by Mao Tse Tung. The Maoist insurgency doctrine glorifies violence as the primary means to overwhelm the existing democratic state structure . ✔️Reasons for the Spread of Naxalism ●Land Reforms: The failure of implementation of land reforms (land ceiling and redistribution of land to landless) that affected both social and economic conditions of the people. ●Social inequality:

Compulsory Military Training - Notes for Group discussion for Airforce Phase 2 by Garhwal Sir

Compulsory Military Training ●it is a form of compulsory enlistment of local people in national service or military service. It is something that is going on from ages in some places, and really helped people.  ●In India also, some people are in favor of compulsory military training. They want the central government to seriously consider the proposal of military training in educational institutes. Arguments in favour - ◆India faces the shortage of military officers, and the step could help the government to get the required number. ◆It will provide a morale boost and a stronger representation to the army brigade of Himachal Pradesh. ◆The restructuring of regiments by making military training compulsory will lower down the walls of differences between rural and urban India, the different states and the communities. ◆The compulsory military training will be a form of vocational training that will utilize some years of youth life for constructive purposes. ◆Military training will instill

What is a constitution ? Discuss its need.

Constitution is a set of document written or unwritten by which governance of a country can be carried out. Need of the Constitution: 1. It brings together people from different groups such as religion, society, philosophy etc. 2. It set the basic structure of the governing machinery of the country such as Legislature, Executive and Judiciary and maintain thier balacne. 3. It defines the power of the government and set limit to it extent. 4. It provide a basic set of rights to the citizens against the tyranny of the government, in order to bring wholesome psycho-social development of the people. 5. It provides the bedrock platform for the democracy to thrive, which is in essence is very basic need to have the constitution. Thus, constitution is very much needed for justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, freedom, ideals which are enshrined in the preamble of the Indian constitution.

Urbanisation is good or bad, Group Discussion practice for Airforce Phase 2b GD by GarhwalSir

Urbanisation:  Urbanisation is the population shift from villages or rural areas to urban areas. Urban areas are important towns in terms of administration, employment, trade, commerce etc. Good/Pros: 1. Urban areas provide more employment opportunities. For example cities like Bangalore have become epicentre of IT sector in India 2. Cities are the hub of education, be it secondary school or higher education.  3. Cities are equipped with more efficient basic amenities like water, electricity, health etc  4. Caste identities and stereotypes are less dominant in urban areas as compared to rural areas.  5. Urban areas have better connectivity through roads and bridges, flyover etc  and transport facilities including roadways, railways, Airways and even waterways in some cases. 6 All tourist and pilgrim centres like Varanasi, Goa etc have urbanization due to high footfall. Bad/Cons: 1. All the cities are given birth at the cost of loss of habitat and deforestation.  2. Due to high populati

Situation Reaction Test Practice Set 1 by - GarhwalSir on Telegram airforcestudy.

Situation Reaction Test (Set-1) 1. You found a bag filled with medicines by the roadside. You: A) Try to find out bill in the bag and try to inquiring about the owner of the bag . B) You go to the police station and give it to the police officer. C) Carry the medicines at your home and use them. D) Sale the medicine to local pharmacist and earn money. 2. You are visiting abroad and on the arrival at airport counter, someone abuse Your nation in front of you. You: A) You will complain to airport officials. B) You will complaint to the embassy. C) You will debate with them and try to change their view to the positive side. D) You will beat the individual who is abusing Your nation. 3: You are having no contacts in foreign countries but one foreigner girl send you friend request on Facebook. You A. Accept the request and start chit chat with her. B. Accept the friend request and enquire about her. C. Reject the request and block her permanently. D. Check out and read her profile on Facebo