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Tips to Crack Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion Easily

Tips to Crack Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion Easily Group Discussion  is a part of Airforce Phase2 exam. A group of 12 to 15 candidates assembled to discuss on any given topic. Normally one Airforce officer and one or two Airmen available through out the exam to check the Candidates.  I It generally happens after the  Psychology test   or SRT and DFT test  during Phase2. There is a saying that, the first impression is the last impression so you need to put your best foot forward as this is the first time that selectors would be seeing your personality. The following article discusses some of the important tips for Group Discussion during Phase2 exam. What is Group Discussion? Group Discussion is an informal discussion between the candidates to check their performance as an individual and a team player. The Group Discussion is an excellent way by which the assessor is able to judge the knowledge of a candidate on issues related to current trends and happening a...

General Tips to Crack Airforce Phase2 Situation Reaction Test

Get Complete details about Situation Reaction Test for Airforce Interview. Here we will discuss some important tips to crack the Situation Reaction Test. Situation Reaction Test What is SRT? Situation Reaction Test (SRT) is a part of Airforce Phase2 and conducted before Group Discussion. It is a kind of psychological tests. One has to score well in SRT to crack Airforce Phase2. The situations that are mentioned in the test are pertaining to day-to-day life problems which a person may encounter and based on those situations a response is demanded. You have to select any one response out of 04 options and answering of each SRT is compulsory. The response is then tested to check the personally that Aspirants having. A candidate's way of responding shows his common sense, sense of time, ability to reason, maturity, and empathy. The procedure of SRT: Each candidate is given a booklet which consists of 45 Situations with blanks. There are a total of 45 Situations that are to be answered ...