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Role of Technology during COVID-19 Pandemic situation

As soon as GD is open for Discussion: Candidate 1.  Technology  helps us to engage with social media . As we known various places in rural as well as urban area many people who are on Facebook and tiktok they devote their time to these app due to which they won't move out from their home. Various bollywood and hollywood actress keep pleasing other to follow norms and  it also motivate peoples to stay at home. Candidate 2.  Technology helps us to maintain an online database of the citizens , it helps a lot now and the relief is directly transferred to the people without any hassle and its fast too. Candidate 3. Video conferencing is the primary way to connect with each other now, Classes are being conducted online, Courts are hearing cases in conferences ,Whole IT sector is working from home, This had only been possible because of our robust internet infrastructure and private players have done a tremendous job maintaining the quality of it, But there have been some risk for example

How to develop Self Confidence for Interview or Group Discussion

Your answer is in the question itself.  Fear is the cousin of nervousness and their combined effort makes you under confident. ☢️Why do we loose confidence? Inadequate knowledge on the subject . Lack of concentration while the briefing of the task is being made/when the Interviewer is asking his questions, as a result you can’t Grasp the essentials of the question. Self created Complex.that “Others are better “. “What will the assessor think”, to what you speak/answer or perform during a Group Discussion? Some general tips that I offer are: Improve your General Awareness. Make reading a habit. If you are in doubt, don’t rest till you have cleared them through various sources at your disposal. Develop an “Enquiring attitude “. Ask…Why, Where, What, How and when ,to get a complete perspective on the subject . Improve your power of expression. It’s how easily others understand you. Speak complete sentences, clearly, unbothered of your pronunciation or vocabulary. Don’t compare yourself wi

Group Discussion Notes on Topic HIV AIDS

HIV-AIDS: (Important Notes for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion) -It is a set of symptoms or syndrome caused by HIV. But it is not necessary that a person infected with HIV will definitely develop AIDS. -A person infected with HIV is likely to develop symptoms of AIDS over a period of time when his/er immune system is too weak to fight HIV infection. -This is the last stage of HIV when the infection is very advanced and if left untreated will lead to death. -A person with HIV whose CD4 count falls below 200 per cubic millimetre is diagnosed with AIDS. -The risk of HIV progressing to AIDS varies widely between individuals and depends on many factors including:  1.The age of the Individua  2.The body’s ability to defend against HIV  3.Access to high quality sanitary healthcare  4.Presence of other infections  5.Individual’s genetic resistance to certain strains of HIV  6.Drug-Resistant strains of HIV Symptoms: •The early symptoms include fever, chills, joint pains, muscle aches, sore thr

Major News Papers of the World

MAJOR NEWS PAPERS OF THE WORLD NAME                                COUNTRY Daily News                              U.S.A. The Sun                                   U.K. Daily Mirror                             U.K. Reference News                       China People’s Daily                            China Dawn                                        Pakistan Bild                                           Germany Asahi Shimbun                         Japan Yomiuri Shimb.                         Japan The Wall Street Journal           U.S.A. The New York Times                U.S.A. Zaman                                      Turkey Quest                                          France La Repubblica                                Italy Al-Ahram.                                       Egypt Daily Mail                                        U.K. The Guardian.                                  U.K. Washington Post                            U.S.A. The Times Of India                          India


IDIOMS AND PHRASES Idioms do not mean exactly what the words say. They have a hidden meaning. 1. Acid Test: Meaning - Acid test proves the effectiveness of something. Example - I practiced hard at the dance sessions but the acid test will come when the master  will assess our solo performances. 2. Cut the ground from under feet: Meaning - When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you do something which  weakens their position. Example - When team India hit more than 350 runs in the ODI, they cut the ground from under  the opponent's feet. 3. Chase your tail: Meaning - Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too  little. Example - He's been chasing his tail all week collecting data but the report is still not ready. 4. Whole bag of tricks - Meaning - Means trying all the clever means to achieve something. Example - It was really difficult to find the information even after applying the whole bag of  tricks. 5. Deliver the goods

इस बच्चे ने एग्जाम में गब्बर का ऐसा चरित्र चित्रण लिखा

1. सादा जीवन, उच्च विचार: उसके जीने का ढंग बड़ा सरल था. पुराने और मैले कपड़े, बढ़ी हुई दाढ़ी, महीनों से जंग खाते दांत और पहाड़ों पर खानाबदोश जीवन. जैसे मध्यकालीन भारत का फकीर हो. जीवन में अपने लक्ष्य की ओर इतना समर्पित कि ऐशो-आराम और विलासिता के लिए एक पल की भी फुर्सत नहीं. और विचारों में उत्कृष्टता के क्या कहने! 'जो डर गया, सो मर गया' जैसे संवादों से उसने जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता पर प्रकाश डाला था. २. दयालु प्रवृत्ति: ठाकुर ने उसे अपने हाथों से पकड़ा था. इसलिए उसने ठाकुर के सिर्फ हाथों को सज़ा दी. अगर वो चाहता तो गर्दन भी काट सकता था. पर उसके ममतापूर्ण और करुणामय ह्रदय ने उसे ऐसा करने से रोक दिया. 3. नृत्य-संगीत का शौकीन: 'महबूबा ओये महबूबा' गीत के समय उसके कलाकार ह्रदय का परिचय मिलता है. अन्य डाकुओं की तरह उसका ह्रदय शुष्क नहीं था. वह जीवन में नृत्य-संगीत एवंकला के महत्त्व को समझता था. बसन्ती को पकड़ने के बाद उसके मन का नृत्यप्रेमी फिर से जाग उठा था. उसने बसन्ती के अन्दर छुपी नर्तकी को एक पल में पहचान लिया था. गौरतलब यह कि कला के प्रति अपने प्रेम को अभिव्यक्त करने का वह