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Lokpal Act Notes for Group Discussion Airmen Phase2 by Garhwal Sir

The Lokpal Act:-
 - This  Act  provides for the  establishment of a body of Lokpal  for the Union  and  Lokayukta for  States  to inquire  into  allegations  of  corruption  against  certain public  functionaries  and  for  matters  connected therewith or incidental thereto.  
 - It was  passed in 2013.  
-  Lokpal has to enquire into allegations of corruption against public functionaries of the central government  in a time-bound manner.  Jurisdiction:  
-The Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of  Parliament and officers and officials of the Central Government. 
-The  Lokpal consists of  a  Chairperson  with  a maximum of  8 members of  which  50%  shall  be judicial members.  
-50% of the members of the Lokpal shall come from amongst  the  SCs,  the  STs,  the  OBCs,  minorities, and women.

 Selection of the Members:-
 -The selection of the Chairperson and the members of Lokpal shall be  through a  Selection  Committee consisting  of  the  Prime  Minister,  the  Speaker of  the  Lok  Sabha,  the  Leader  of  the  Opposition in  the  Lok  Sabha,  the  Chief  Justice  of  India  or a sitting  Supreme  Court  Judge  nominated  by  the Chief  Justice  of  India  and  an  eminent jurist  to be nominated by the President of India on the  basis of recommendations  of  the  first  four  members of the selection committee.  
-A  Search  Committee  will  assist  the  Selection Committee  in  the  process  of  selection.  50% of  the  members  of  the  Search  Committee  shall also  be  from  amongst the SCs, the STs, the OBCs, minorities and women. 
-The  Prime  Minister  has been brought under the purview of  the  Lokpal with subject matter exclusions and  specific  process  for  handling complaints against the Prime Minister.

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