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How to give Self Introduction in 1 Minute during Airforce Group X and Y ( Phase2 )

Self introduction is a part of Airforce Phase2 testing. 
First of all you will be given an unseen passage.
You will be given 5 Minute (Approx) time to read it out.
You have to tell the Topic or Title of this passage while introducing yourself.
You will be given Approx 1-1.5 minutes to introduce yourself and after it discussion will start with your group members. 

How you can give your Introduction: -
‘Hello sir (Good morning/ Afternoon/Evening).
I am…………… (Your Full name).
My Father's name is Mr/Late Shri…………. (Your Father name) and he is a ………. (father occupation).
My mother's name is Mrs/Late Smt………. (Your Mother Name) and She is a ………. (Mother Occupation).
I have…… sisters or brothers.(If all are younger than you pls mention).
I have complete 12th or higher secondary education with ## percentage from (Name of educational board) And currently I am persuing (current education) from (Name of college).
Complete introduction within 30-35 sec.

 During introduction you need to speak confidently and loudly, so that 
everyone can listen what you are speaking.

Now its the time to speak on the topic. You have to tell the title of the passage at this stage .

The Topic we are going to discuss today is  ……. (topic name) which is a topic of Current relevance/a big social issue/a very genuine topic for Discussion etc.

Your Title and opinion  should be complete within 1-1.5 minutes.

And after it actual discussion will start among group members.
If possible, you can start the discussion.

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