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Suicide by young people, current challenges, reasons and solutions. GD Topic for Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion.

Candidate 1.
Good morning everyone . Today we are going to discuss a most important topic that is suicide by young people.The suicide rate in this age group between 15-29 is the highest among others because it's an age of adolescence where you practically meet with the bitter reality of the society.

Candidate 2.
I am totally agree with Candidate 1. suicide rate in this age group between 15-29 is the highest among others because it's an age of adolescence where you practically meet with the bitter reality of the society.

Candidate 3.
 According to me suicides rates are increasing because if less opportunities whether in govt or private sector. .population is so high that not everyone get chance to work, n face many rejections and unable to handle stress.end up in suicide.

 Candidate 4. 
The sucide rate is increasing among young people they become depress due to failures And challenges of life.

Candidate 5.
 Good Morning Everyone 
From my point of view suicide rates are increasing due to less opportunities given by the government's and highly pressure by family for getting job either in government or in private sector.

Candidate 6.
 According to me the over competitive environment in Indian society whether in exams, corporation and organisation which leads to the stress and anxiety factor leading to deterioration of mental health.

Candidate 7.
 Biggest reason for these suicides are like.
1. People are not coping up with society and environment.
2. They end up cursing themselves when they don't perform well. 
3. Due to high involvement in indoors activities they miss to explore outer world in which they have to live sooner or later.
4. They are also not open with other to share prblm and finding the sol. As they thnk they will be jugded by them.
5. They don't do activities to release mental stress which js very essential these days.

Candidate 8.
According to me friends unemployment is also become the major issue of suicide among the youth because the age of getting employment is 20 to 30 and some time they don't get job or support their families and some time they don't get good job according to their studies than they come in depression and commit suicide.

Candidate 9.
 In present scenario of our country, employment opportunities are shrinking and we have more than 65percent youth population so many couldn't bear the stress of failure and other aspects of suicide is more expectations of parents from their students over marks and many couldn't bear the pressure of relationship failure.

Candidate 10.
Appropriately said, the suicide cases are not due to any one of two reasons,  it is the mental stress which force to end up everything.... The youth has so many ambitions and when any of that is not achieved they think themselves as useless.They do not think of the positice side of things happening.They just see what they do not have.


Suicide rate is increasing in youth because of many factors.
1) stress of education, various competitive exams, less number of seats and so much more competition. In exams like state judicial services only 0.1% of students who appear in the exam can clear it. 
2) less number of jobs. There are many really good people, like IITians who are struggling to get a decent job acc to their education. 
3) less focus on mental health. If a person having a broken bone would be having more sympathy than a depressed person. A depressed person is treated as a pagal or a psychopath. 
The persons who are struggling with depression are not able to accept their depression because they know their peers would not accept them.
4) a taboo related to seeing a psychologist or a psychiatrist. People who go to see Psychologists are considered to be mental.

These were my few reasons of the rise in suicide rates in India.

1) Schools should teach students that cracking an exam is not the only thing in life. Life is so much more to it.
2) parents and other family members should keep on checking their children. A person struggling with depression behaves differently. So people nearby should look at the changes taking place in a person's behavior and should respond to it quickly.
3) mental health should not be a taboo. People are coming forward and talking about it but it is not enough. 
4) more number of jobs should be created by the govt and people should also focus more on creating a job for themselves as well as others instead of seeking for a job.
5) individuals dealing with depression should accept it and come forward and seek help. They should remember they can overcome it only if they talk about it.
6) Mental health should be given same importance by society as physical health and people should practice mediation and deep breathing.


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