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Airforce Phase2 Group Discussion Topic Education System in India

Traditional education system: Advantages and Disadvantages

In traditional education, students are gathered under a roof at a specific time and specific place. The teaching style of traditional education is teacher-driven.


•Punctuality: The students will have a specific time for every period and time for taking a break. This timing is all planed at the beginning, the students follow this routine and make them punctual and disciplined.
•Social interactions: The students interact with their peers which help them in character building. They learn to share and respect others.
•Extracurricular activities: This gives the students an opportunity to showcase their hidden talent to others. This helps them recognized for their talents and are able to excel in their life.
•Face to face interactions: The students are able to have direct interactions with their teachers. They are able to ask questions and more explanations on the areas they have doubts.


•Generalized learning: Generalized education for all the students make it difficult for them to learn things they are interested in. Different students have different talents and interests which this general education fails to provide.
•Passive listeners: In traditional education, students should listen to their teachers. Sometimes the students do not make an effort to listen to the teachers. They lack interest in the lectures and become passive listeners
•No flexible time: The traditional education follows a rigid schedule which is challenging to study. The students have difficulties to cope up with it.
•Expensive: It is very expensive as the school provides certain facilities and for the tuition fee for their instructors etc. Everyone cannot afford it and end up taking loans.
•Teacher-centred learning: Teacher and books are the main sources of information. The students are unable to learn new things, and their knowledge is restricted to the knowledge provided by the books and lecturers.

Challenges faced on digitisation:

-not adaptable by all students 
-lack of skill development program
-lack of IT infrastructure and internet connection and speed
-Lack of social interaction: Online learning courses are self-paced courses. It makes the learners difficult to develop a relationship with their peers. Limited social interaction and no face to face interaction.
-The chance to get distracted: The learners who are less determined and lacks self-motivation the chance of them to get detracted is very high. The learners lose track of their studies and end up doing something else.
-Learners get isolated: The learners don’t have any interaction with the outside world, this makes a high chance to make a learner feel lonely and isolated

Solution for its effective implementation

•Here the Digital India vision of the government is emerging as a vital instrument for solving the present crisis due to Covid-19.
•Democratization of technology is now an important issue, comprising internet connectivity, telecom infrastructure, affordability of online system, availability of laptop/desktop, software, educational tools, online assessment tools, etc. 
•Looking at this challenge of colleges and schools being shut, government of India, as well as state governments and private players have regularly been publishing information on various initiatives undertaken by ministries like MHRD, Department of Technical Education, NCERT and others to support and benefit youth/students.
•It is fact that the government of India as well state governments, through their various ministries/departments, have created infrastructure to deliver e-education. 
-Basic requirements like sturdy education delivery platforms, IT infrastructure, PC/Desktop/Mobile for end-delivery and assessment tools have been planned and more improvement is underway.
-For all this to be a reality, a drastic change in thought process is required in the mind- set of policy makers.

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