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Vocal for Local making India a greater hub

Vocal for Local is an initiative to boost the employment opportunities in India. Our PM Narendra Modi coined the term ‘Vocal for Local’ to encourage the people to promote the local products worldwide. He said in his Independence day speech on 15th August 2020, "The mindset of free India should be 'vocal for local'. We should appreciate our local products, if we don't do this then our products will not get the opportunity to do better and will not get encouraged," Vocal for Local initiative encourages the people to start producing their own products and hence, reducing the use of imported goods. The need of ‘Vocal for Local’ arose during the lockdown period when all the mediums of transport were on halt and the entire world realize the usefulness of local products.
The positive effect of Vocal for Local is seen during the festive seasons like Diwali and Dashara. People of the country appreciated local products and purchased local made diya and many other things used in these festivals instead of Chinese products. As the leading brands of the world were once local brands and they became global brands only when local people started buying and using them. The local people branded them and then start promoting them. Thus, these were the catalysts to make these local products a global brands from local brands. The Vocal for local suggests not only buy local products but also be vocal about promoting local products proudly. The people making local products need support and it is the responsibility of each Indian to buy these products. If all Indians adopt the ‘Vocal for Local’ mantra then a lot of Indian products can easily become global. So, let’s do it by purchasing and promoting local products and make our India self-reliant and self-sufficient.


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