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Naxalism in India GD Topic for Airforce Phase2

As soon as the GD is open.
Candidate 1.  Good Morning Friends, let me take the privilege to initiate the discussion on given topic Naxalism in India. Actually naxalism name came from a village named NAXALBARI in west Bengal and started these activities from 1967 around . 

Candidate 2. Naxalism is becoming a larger and larger threat to India. It's the biggest internal security threat to India. Their  attacks on security forces increasing day by day, just reveals the absence of law and loopholes of the Government.

Candidate 3. As per my opinion Due to strict forest laws, these tribal people have to re-locate their habitat and find a new source of earning. But it becomes difficult for them to survive like this. That's why these people often join Naxalites and use weapons for the protection of their territory.

Candidate 4.  Main naxalism region are jharkhand, chhattisgarh, eastern part of India where people live in fear that any time attack can be done by naxals and due to that those region are not able to develop.

Candidate 5.  Major reason for naxalism in my perspective
1. Government not gave proper and timely implementation of schemes, the tribal people still struggle to get two time meals
2. When instead of providing we started using their resources which includes forest , land for the multilevel project and dams
3. We have seen that naxalism is no longer a community or group now it becomes an idea which goes through mind of people coz there are educated people form JNU support these naxalism movement
Candidate 6. I am agree but wants to add some more. There's a lot of economic inequality and underdevelopment of these tribal areas.  That's why they easily get attracted to arms and ammunition for protection of their motherland, culture, society and earn for living.

Candidate 7. I am agree with chest no. 6 , 
Other reason for areas of naxalism is 
Lack of basic facilities like education, freedom, sanitation and food.
The socially backward tribals form the major support base for Naxalites because of inequality, illiteracy and lack of opportunities.

Candidate 8. I want to add, as per my opinion, Naxalism isn't due to poverty or say lack of basic need. It is due to brainwashed people who are being constantly filled with hatered towards the government by the a strata of society for personal benefits .

Candidate 9.
 I would like to add that Naxalism is a rising threat for all human being as far as security concern government is doing all possible way by implementing different operation like OPERATION SAMADHAN, OPERATION GREEN HUNT,VAN DHAN YOJANA etc to bring peace.

Candidate 10. Agreed But it also important to take in consideration of naxals point of view,lack in education,lack in daily eccential needs, electricity, employment, devlopment force them to join naxalism path, giving opportunity to them in govt bodies so mutual cooperation would happen and it would help to become them self dependent and more social.

Candidate 11 requested to conclude the topic. 

Summary of the Discussion:-

Naxalism in India - 

--Naxalism, the word, has been derived from the name – ‘Naxalbari’, a village in West Bengal, where it is originated. 
--From West Bengal, these moves spread to various areas of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. Presently, they are active in approximately 40% of India’s Geographical area.
--They control large portions of remote and densely forested area and are concentrated in an area called Red Corridor.

Cause of Spread of Naxalism-

1.Culture - Tribals sense that outsiders are a threat to their culture and can mutate their way of life.

2.Forest Policy - 
•Tribals have a distinct way of carrying out activities like agriculture. They practice slash and burn type, which leads to deforestation and reduces soil fertility. 
•The forest policy prohibits them from deforesting an area of land which they regard as an interference in their matters.

Sometimes people think that they are deprived of government policies and are not part of the decision-making process. That also leads to the spread of the cause.
4.Ethnic clashes with other tribes - 
there are many ethnic clashes have been going on amongst the tribal communities, which sometimes lead to the destruction of government property and affects the tribal people.

Effects of Naxalism - 

●Countries like China and Pakistan have hijacked the Naxal movement and provided them with finances, arms and training spread unrest and destroy the peace of the nations.
●Youth of country is being derailed and brainwashed to join such org.
●common man is perishing in between the  tussle of Naxals and Govt.
●Extreme poverty and negative development
●adverse effect on trade and economy
●higher expenditure on defence at the cost of  education
●lower exports and reduced trades.

Blue print to end naxalism:

-co ordination between police and intelligence agencies to stop funding of naxals from various routes.
-Paramilitary and state police working in unison to combat the Naxalites by conducting counter-insurgency operations
-More focus on developing confidence-building measures in the tribal areas, such as providing them with adequate representation, making them economically independent, making them feel as one.

Operation Samadhan -
-GOI initiative
-training and motivation 
-technology harness
-aggressive strategy

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