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Visakhapatnam Gas Leakage Issue GD Topic for Airforce Phase2

Visakhapatnam Gas Leak Issue (Important Notes for Group Discussion)

•The styrene gas leak is a sad reminder of how our industries do not regulate themselves properly - be it their processes, facilities, overall functioning etc. 
•In the case of LG Polymers India Pvt Ltd., styrene gas is used as one of the basic blocks in this industry that got leaked in Vishakhapatnam city.

Causes :
-The faulty onsite storage was the prime cause of the styrene gas leak as it was not stored at a certain temperature at which it was supposed to be stored.(17℃) 
-This resulted in an increase in the pressure in the storage container and its subsequent leakage and dispersal to the nearby areas.

What had happened in Styrene Gas leak case in India?

•killed several people ans left hundred sick.
•people tried to flee but the chemical rendered them unconscious.

Styrene :
-The chemical formula is C8H8. It is a synthetic chemical derivative of benzene.

-It is liquid and flammable in nature. It is found in vehicle exhaust, cigarette smoke and in natural foods like fruits and vegetables.

How does it impact human beings?

-As per the International Agency for Research for Cancer, an affiliated body of the World Health Organization has classified styrene as a hazardous and toxic chemical and a possible carcinogen.

To human beings, it is responsible to cause:

1.Respiratory problems
2.Irritation in the eyes
3.Irritation in the mucus membrane
4.gastrointestinal issues

---In India, the styrene gas is considered as the hazardous and toxic chemical according to the Manufcature, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989. 
---India has a very sound regulatory system in place in terms of Acts, Laws, Regulations, Rules, and are well taken care of. India has an umbrella Act of environmental protection, Environmental Protection rules, Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rule 1989, Hazardous Waste Handling and Transboundary movement rules 1989, Factories Act 1948, Public Liability Insurance Act and so on.

Way forward:

•In the recent past, three industrial accidents have taken place- one in Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh and major one in Andhra Pradesh. In all these incidents, the factories and the major establishments were trying to reopen after the lockdown. Any mistake on the part of industry managements can have disastrous consequences as seen in this incident. As India aims for a wider manufacturing base it needs to strengthen its approach to public and occupational safety.

•Transparent oversight is not a hurdle to the industrial growth, rather it advances sustainable development by eliminating terrible mistake which can have catastrophic impacts. There should be regular check that all the regulations are complied with.
• It needs no special emphasis that the safety of industrial chemicals requires continuous watch with no scope for waivers.

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