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Notes on Cyber Security for Airforce Group Discussion

Cyber Security: (Important Notes for Airforce Group Discussion Phase2)

--Cyber Security is protecting cyber space including critical information infrastructure from attack, damage, misuse and economic espionage.
-- Science and Technology has changed the face of everything and reduced the level of efforts.The era has arrived when even warfare also got a technical face.
--As everything on paper is now on servers.Cyber threat has emerged as a new mode of stealing.

Sources of cyber threat -
-cyber groups
-spyware and malware

Need for Cyber Security:

--For Individuals: Photos, videos and other personal information shared by an individual on social networking sites can be inappropriately used by others, leading to serious and even life-threatening incidents.

--For Business Organizations: Companies have a lot of data and information on their systems. A cyber attack may lead to loss of competitive information (such as patents or original work), loss of employees/customers private data resulting into complete loss of public trust on the integrity of the organization.

--For Government: A local, state or central government maintains huge amount of confidential data related to country (geographical, military strategic assets etc.) and citizens. Unauthorized access to the data can lead to serious threats on a country.

Laws related to Cyber Security in India:

Information Technology Act, 2000

-The act regulates use of computers, computer systems, computer networks and also data and information in electronic format.
--National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-in) functions as the nodal agency for coordination of all cyber security efforts, emergency responses, and crisis management.


•Increased use of mobile technology and internet by people.
•Proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and lack of proper security infrastructure in some devices.
•Cyberspace has inherent vulnerabilities that cannot be removed.
•Internet technology makes it relatively easy to misdirect attribution to other parties.
•It is generally seen that attack technology outpaces defence technology.
•Lack of awareness on Cyber security.
•Lack of Cyber security specialists.
•Increased use of cyberspace by terrorists.

Way Forward :

•Real-time intelligence is required for preventing and containing cyber attacks.
•Periodical ‘Backup of Data’ is a solution to ransomware.
•Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for predicting and accurately identifying attacks.
•Using the knowledge gained from actual attacks that have already taken place in building effective and pragmatic defence.
•Increased awareness about cyber threats for which digital literacy is required first.

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