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What are the causes and treatment of ACNE ? How to prevent ACNE through home remedies.

Nothing can be more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to finally have clear skin, and then realizing the hard way that bad breaks don't necessarily end when your teenage years do. Coming to terms with adult acne is difficult—best rest secured, well there is no single woman dealing with zits, there are numerous, who are thinking why basically does this happens.

Even though the outlook seems tedious (acne and wrinkles sounds like some sort of sick joke, right?), but we just keep on thinking why basically they occur dude. The hell part is when they leave the spot which remains like for months.

Some of the reasons are here which I think can be behind this because I have faced this issue at high level.

1. Your hormones can be blamed.

Fluctuation in hormones, such as before one's menstrual cycle, is the main cause. This usually rears its ugly head in the form of deep (painful) cystic acne around the chin, neck, and back.

(Thanks a lot hormones!)

2. Another influential driving force, stress.

Whether you are a full time worker, or a mom, or juggle both, chances are your stress levels are high. You have an organ called adrenal gland which makes the stress hormone cortisol (a steroid hormone to treat inflammation) and put it out into the body to deal with the stress. Unfortunately, a little bit of testosterone leaks out with it which creates more oil, causing more breakouts.

(Again, thank you hormones!)

3. Pollution, the biggest helping hand

If you are living in a city, just go out for an hour, then come back and clean your face with wet cotton, results will be clear to how, that how much this pollution is crap for your face.

(Warning: you’ll puke after watching that cotton pad)

4. Mined impure Products or I can say, Milavati Saman

"Non-comedogenic”, heard of this term, basically water based or oil free, if you have oily skin or you are prone to breakouts, just check this term on the product you are buying. If the product is worsening the situation then stop there and just so with some natural products. Like you can even use Aloe Vera gel, which really clears the skin.

5. You're cleaning too frequently.

Clarisonic (skin clearing machine), I guess many women are aware about it, this definitely not works for your face. Surely it will clear the makeup but removes all the oil developing more breakouts. Washing your face more than twice can dry up your skin, causing more oil to overcompensate the dry part, which will directly make a breakout (pimple).

Don’t rub your skin regularly in fact you can use a facewash, named as Alite (anti- acne) that thoroughly clears the face and will stress you out of acne.

With the cause, heed to some of the prevention too:

1. Keep your face clean. Whether or not you have acne, it's important to wash your face twice daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and extra oil from your skin's surface.

Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly with a washcloth, an exfoliating glove, or loofah (a coarse-textured sponge).

2. Apply some homemade natural packs, like of papaya, banana, honey and cinnamon together is the best to remove black heads and tomato massage can really help you out.

3. Gently wash it during a breakout, avoid wearing foundation, powder, or blush. If you do wear makeup, wash it off at the end of the day. If possible, choose oil-free cosmetics without added dyes and chemicals. with a very soft cloth or your hands. Use the products named Non-comedogenic to provide acne problem.

4. Watch what you put on your hair. Avoid using fragrances, oils, pomades, or gels on your hair. If they get on your face, they can block your skin's pores and irritate your skin. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.

5. Avoid stress, be tension free. Apart from acne it also leads to hair loss, so be free and be relaxed.

“Happiness is Clear Skin”


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