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Internal Security challenges for India

Internal security is the security that lies within the borders of a country. It ensures the maintenance of peace, law & order and protection of sovereignty within territory of a country. Internal security is different from external security. External security is considered as the security against aggression by a foreign country. Maintaining the external security is the responsibility of the armed forces of the country such as the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force in India. While internal security comes under the purview of the police, which can also be supported by the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) as per the requirement. In India, the internal security matters are governed by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). If we look at the past, India’s internal security problems have multiplied because of linguistic riots, inter-state disputes and ethnic tensions. Our country was forced to redefine its inter state boundaries due to linguistic riots in 1956. After that, the rise

Importance of youth in society

Youth is considered as the greatest asset for a country as their intelligence and hard work will take the country on the path of success and prosperity. As every citizen has some responsibilities towards the nation, so the youth too. A youth is a person whose age is between 15 to 30 years without considering their gender. As the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. It is so, because of all other age groups like the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and they have a lot of expectations from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in today’s society and the future of society highly depends on them. Due to high dependency on youth in society, we all have a very important role to play as the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands. Youth can renew the current status of the society by their leadership, innovation and development skills. Youth are expecte

Essay on Fake news articles on social media

Fake news is a kind of yellow journalism which comprises intentional misinformation distributed through broadcasting news media, or via Internet-based social media. Fake news is intentionally written in order to gain financial or political exaggerated, or false headlines for capturing the attention of the people. Everyone with an internet connection and a social media presence is now a content generator. Free internet service has provided access to everyone to post whatever they want and hence created a trend of fake news spreading like wildfire. Everyone is in a hurry to like, share and comment instead of checking the authenticity of the news. It affects the spirit of common brotherhood and increases intolerance in the country. Fake news results in harassment and threatening of innocent people and damages their reputations. It can also result in deaths. For example, the rumours about child-lifters and cattle thieves led to mob attacks and deaths across India. It is unreasonable to put

Money Laundering challenges for india

Money laundering is the process of concealing the source of money obtained by illegal means such as embezzlement, insider trading, bribery, drug trafficking or terrorist activity. The process of converting ‘illegal or unclean money’ into ‘legal or clean money’ is referred to as money laundering. Money laundering is a grave financial crime that is usually employed by white collar and street level criminals. Most financial companies have anti-money laundering (AML) policies in place to detect and prevent these activity. Money laundering is a very important step in the success of drug trafficking and terrorist activities. Most people who financially support terrorist organizations do not provide the funds directly to terrorist groups. They send the money in roundabout ways that allow them to fund terrorism by maintaining anonymity. The process of money laundering usually involves three steps 1) placement 2) layering, and 3) integration. In the first step "dirty money“ is put into the

Vocal for Local making India a greater hub

Vocal for Local is an initiative to boost the employment opportunities in India. Our PM Narendra Modi coined the term ‘Vocal for Local’ to encourage the people to promote the local products worldwide. He said in his Independence day speech on 15th August 2020, "The mindset of free India should be 'vocal for local'. We should appreciate our local products, if we don't do this then our products will not get the opportunity to do better and will not get encouraged," Vocal for Local initiative encourages the people to start producing their own products and hence, reducing the use of imported goods. The need of ‘Vocal for Local’ arose during the lockdown period when all the mediums of transport were on halt and the entire world realize the usefulness of local products. The positive effect of Vocal for Local is seen during the festive seasons like Diwali and Dashara. People of the country appreciated local products and purchased local made diya and many other things use

Important awards and their fields

Important Awards and their Fields  Bharat Ratna – It is the highest civilian award of the India. The award was given for outstanding achieve-ments in the arts, literature, science and public services but the government expanded the criteria to include"any field of human endeavour". The number of annual awards is restricted to a maximum of three in a particu-lar year. Bharat Ratna Bharat Ratna is the highest Civilian Award in India. This award is conferred for achievements in the field of Science, Literature, Arts and Public Services. In 2013, sports were also included in this award category. The award has the shape of a peepal leaf and is bronze-toned. The award has the emblem of Sun in the middle, and the words “Bharat Ratna” are inscribed below the emblem in Devanagari Script.On the reverse side, it has the State Emblem and State Motto.  Padma Vibhushan  Padma Vibushan is the second-highest civilian award in India. This is conferred to people with distinguished achievements

Wgat Qualities should a good doctor must have

Being a best clinician, you need to develop a strong level of trust with the patient and generate a sense of relationship within the context of professionalism. This is important so that the patient is able to communicate effectively with you and allow you to gain a better insight into their condition. This will help you develop a better intervention plan. Know that a good clinician is an excellent communicator and places the foundation of a good relationship with the patient on the basis of trust. Apart from communication, the skills that make you a competent medical professional are discussed in the sections underneath. When you choose to start your career as a clinician, you have a long academic history of extensive training and knowledge. Becoming a clinician in medical career demands that you are laced with an ample set of skills in the selected specialized field. These skills make you an expert in the provided sector. With appropriate accreditation and qualification, your experti