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Important awards and their fields

Important Awards and their Fields

 Bharat Ratna – It is the highest civilian award of the India. The award was given for outstanding achieve-ments in the arts, literature, science and public services but the government expanded the criteria to include"any field of human endeavour". The number of annual awards is restricted to a maximum of three in a particu-lar year.

Bharat Ratna Bharat Ratna is the highest Civilian Award in India. This award is conferred for achievements in the field of Science, Literature, Arts and Public Services. In 2013, sports were also included in this award category. The award has the shape of a peepal leaf and is bronze-toned. The award has the emblem of Sun in the middle, and the words “Bharat Ratna” are inscribed below the emblem in Devanagari Script.On the reverse side, it has the State Emblem and State Motto. 

Padma Vibhushan 
Padma Vibushan is the second-highest civilian award in India. This is conferred to people with distinguished achievements in the field of Arts, Literature, Science, Public Services. This award has a circular shape with a geometric pattern superimposed on the circle and is toned bronze. In the centre of the circle, a lotus flower is embossed. The word “Padma” and “Vibushan” are inscribed above and below the lotus flower in Devnagri Script. On the reverse side, it has the State Emblem and State Motto. 

Padma Bhushan
 This is the third-highest civilian award in India and is conferred to people with achievements for service in any field including service rendered by Government servants including doctors and scientists, but exclude those working with the public sector undertakings.This award has a similar design to the Padma Vibhushan. All the embossing is done in gold. Padma Shri In the order of rank, 

Padma Shri is the fourth highest civilian award. This award is conferred to people for achievements in any field including the service rendered by the Government employees. The shape of the award is the superimposition of a geometric pattern on the circle. The words “Padma” and “Shri” are embossed above and below the lotus flower in the centre. All the embossing is done in stainless steel and the periphery is furnished in bronze.

 Padma Awards - Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri awards are for exceptional and distin-guished service in any field including service rendered by Government servants.

Gallantry Awards -

 (a) Param Vir Chakra (PVC) is awarded for most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent act of valor or self - sacrifice, in the presence of the enemy, whether on land, at sea, or in the air. The name of the award means the “Wheel of the Ultimate Brave”. 

(b) Ashoka Chakra is awarded for most conspicuous bravery or some act of daring or pre-eminent act of valor or self - sacrifice otherwise than in the face of the enemy.

 (c) Mahavir Chakra is awarded for acts of conspicuous gallantry in the presence of the enemy whether on land, at sea or in the air. Also, it replaced the British Distin-guished Service Order (DSO). 

(d) Kirti Chakra is awarded for conspicuous gallantry otherwise than in the face of the enemy. The award was known as the Ashoka Chakra, Class II V before 1967. 

(e)Vir Chakra is awarded for acts of the gallantry in the Presence of tthe enemy, whether on land or at sea or in the air. Moreover, it replaced the British Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), Military Cross (MC) and Distin- guished flying Cross (DFC). (f) Shauya Chakra is awrded for gallentryotherwise than in the face of the enemy. The award was known as Ashoka Chakra, Class III before 1967. 


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