Youth is considered as the greatest asset for a country as their intelligence and hard work will take the country on the path of success and prosperity. As every citizen has some responsibilities towards the nation, so the youth too. A youth is a person whose age is between 15 to 30 years without considering their gender. As the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. It is so, because of all other age groups like the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and they have a lot of expectations from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in today’s society and the future of society highly depends on them. Due to high dependency on youth in society, we all have a very important role to play as the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands. Youth can renew the current status of the society by their leadership, innovation and development skills. Youth are expected to transform the current technology, education system and politics of the country. They also have to maintain our rich cultural heritage and ethical values in the societies. This is why the development of a country requires active participation of the youth. It does not matter in which field we want to progress, either technical or sports, youth is required everywhere. Our youth must aware of their inner powers and the role they have to play in the society. We must make sure that everyone must be given equal chance to prove themselves worthy. The youth have a different outlook which the older generations don’t have. It is the responsibility of the youth to make our country rich and prosper.
1. पास्कल किसकी इकाई है दाब की 2. चलती हुई बस जब अचानक ब्रेक लgती है तो उसमें बैठे हुए यात्री आगे की दिशा में गिरते हैं किसको किसके द्वारा समझाया जा सकता है न्यूटन का पहला नियम 3. दूध से क्रीम निकालने में कौन सा बल लगता है उत्तर अपकेंद्रीय बल 4. ध्वनि की चाल अधिकतम किसमें होती है उत्तर निर्वात में 5. दाढ़ी बनाने के लिए काम में लेते हैं अवतल दर्पण 6. इलेक्ट्रॉन की खोज किसने की थी उत्तर जे जे थॉमसन ने 7.भविष्य का ईंधन किसे कहा जाता है उत्तर हाइड्रोजन को 8.धोने का सोडा किस का प्रचलित नाम है उत्तर सोडियम कार्बोनेट 9.सोडियम बाई कार्बोनेट का सामान्य नाम क्या है उत्तर beकिंग सोडा 10. पोटेशियम नाइट्रेट का प्रयोग किसके उत्पादन में होता है उत्तर Uravark के उत्पादन में 11.विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस किस दिन मनाया जाता है उत्तर है 6 जून को 12. विटामिन ए को किस नाम से जाना जाता है रेटिनोल 13.yeast ek क्या है कवक है
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