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Do's and Don'ts to Crack Airforce Airmen exam Easily

As we all know, Airforce  Job  is now-a-days considered as one of the most in-demand jobs in India due to many reasons like salary, allowances, promotions, good social status. Every year lakhs of aspirants apply for this Exam, but only some of them are able to clear it. By this data, you can understand the difficulty level of the exam. Airmen exam does not depend on the coachings that you join or the number of months that you give in preparations. It solemnly depends on your hard work and dedication towards preparations. For cracking Group X and Y exam one should be well aware of the fact that which questions to attempt and which questions to leave. You must develop the ability to judge question i.e. whether you will be able to solve it or not, otherwise, you will end up wasting your precious time. Here in this article, we are telling you the  Do's and Don'ts  that you must pay attention to while preparing for Airforce exams.  DO'S Devoting Time Spend at least 2-3 hours on

Trade war and its impact on global economy Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Trade war and its impact on global economy: Trade war is a situation where two or more countries try to destroy the trade between them by imposing restriction. Trade war is an economic battle between countries where they levy additional taxes on each others products exports in order to protect their on Economy. A trade war happens when one country retaliates against another by raising import tariffs or placing restrictions on the other countries imports.   Trade war does have its own advantages and disadvantages as well. It promotes local job growth and  it will also increase demand for domestic goods and protect nations with un-ethical trade policies, on the other hand It increase costs and it will also slows down economic growth. It hurts diplomatic relations and cultural exchange between nations. Due to trade war various Nations have moved towards protecting their economy to tackle the race of International Trade like in India various programs like make in India, startup

Social media and it's impact on society : Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Social media and it's impact on society - ◆Social media has a profound influence especially on young people. Its impact and negative effects are often seen in the news. ◆Social media has been accused of polarising the society due to the inflammatory nature of certain posts.  ◆World over concerns have been raised over social media being used for surveillance, election meddling, etc.  Background ◆Social media has become ubiquitous. As per a UN report 47 % of the global population is online and among them the percentage of social media users is rising steadily.  ◆It does not have a steep learning curve and compared to other traditional websites offers content in the local language. ◆The barriers to entry are quite low and there is a large and well development ecosystem in place for users which is unavailable in traditional TV media. The positives of social media. ◆Social media offers a variety of entertainment that offers an escape from the conventional scripted entertainm

Cyber Security Need of the hour: Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Cyber security : Need of the Hour It is the time when whole world is suffering from covid crisis.  Currently government websites are being hacked, Banks also reported breach of confidential data from their servers,  the energy and nuclear power plants control systems are infected with virus Trojan and social media accounts of  celebrities being hacked. People are receiving text messages asking amount or money has been deducted from their bank accounts. The whole Nation is in a state of confusion.  It is clear that our country has become a victim of cyber attack and there has been 260% increase in cyber attacks since lockdown induced due to covid-19 pandemic. Due to increasing network and interconnectivity cyber attacks have become more common.   Cyber attackers uses different methods for attacks.  First , There are many financially motivated organised crime groups uses cyberspace as Warfare to hack business, Networks and demand money from users to fund their terrorist activ

Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Short notes for Group Discussion

On 12 May 2020, the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi announced a special economic package of Rs 20 lakh crores ( equivalent to 10% of India GDP ) with the aim of making country independent against that tough competition in the Global supply chain and to help in empowering the poor labourers and migrants who have been adversely affected by covid pandemic. The economic package benefit all section of the society from migrants labourers to big business. Definition of MSME is changed by amending the micro small and medium enterprises development Act 2006 and new criteria of annual turnover introduced. New tag lines such as vocal for local has been introduced.  Aatm nirbhar Bharat stands on five pillars of self reliant India   Aatm nirbhar Bharat campaign was launched by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi for making India self reliant Nation it has launched during the announcement of the coronavirus pandemic related economic package in my 2020. it would play an important role in make

Rule of mob: On mob lynching in several States

Rule of mob: On mob lynching in several States Context-The lynching of three people, alleged cattle thieves suspected to be Bangladeshi nationals, in southern Assam’s Karimganj district on July 18 has once again brought to light the menace of mob lynching. Details ●It was the second such event of the week.  ●On June 1, a 43-year-old Bangladeshi national was lynched in Putni Tea Estate,Assam situated about 3 km from the India-Bangladesh border. ●According to the National Crime Records Bureau’s 2017 data, Assam has one of the highest crime rates in the country. Why is it a cause of concern? ●Irrespective of whether they are thieves or smugglers, such killings point to a lack of faith in the rule of law, leading to a general lawlessness. ◆The varying standards of prosecution of crimes across the country add further challenges to the rule of law. ◆Such incidences weaken the social fabric of the nation. ◆Lynchings are a uniquely unsettling derailment of governance. ●An act of mob violence i

What are the Advantages of Helicopters over Aircrafts Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Advantage of Helicopters over Aircrafts  It is no doubt an aircraft has an edge over a helicopter when it comes to destroying the resources behind enemy lines, but the helicopter has their advantage too: ◆Helicopters can hover and can precisely target and mow down even man-sized targets with things like millimetre radar and night vision  ◆Helicopters can also hug the ground, making them much more difficult to spot by air defences, RADAR and enemy troops. Therefore, the first wave of air attacks conducted in the 1st Gulf War was led by AH-64s (destroying radar sites). ◆Lastly, most attack helicopters are armoured. On the other hand, most fixed-wing aircraft are not (including all the ones you mentioned). So, if they take fire, they’re less likely to go down. ◆Attack helicopters can land and take-off from small pads and ships whereas fixed-wing aircraft require a runway or special aircraft carrier. ◆India has a very difficult terrain where there are important passes and range