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Do's and Don'ts to Crack Airforce Airmen exam Easily

As we all know, Airforce Job is now-a-days considered as one of the most in-demand jobs in India due to many reasons like salary, allowances, promotions, good social status. Every year lakhs of aspirants apply for this Exam, but only some of them are able to clear it. By this data, you can understand the difficulty level of the exam.

Airmen exam does not depend on the coachings that you join or the number of months that you give in preparations. It solemnly depends on your hard work and dedication towards preparations. For cracking Group X and Y exam one should be well aware of the fact that which questions to attempt and which questions to leave. You must develop the ability to judge question i.e. whether you will be able to solve it or not, otherwise, you will end up wasting your precious time.

Here in this article, we are telling you the Do's and Don'ts that you must pay attention to while preparing for Airforce exams. 


  • Devoting Time

Spend at least 2-3 hours on a daily basis for the exam. Give equal time to all the subjects as each subject holds its own importance so cover and practice all the topics. You can increase or decrease the time according to your level of understanding of different subjects.

  • Go through previous year's paper

This is the best way to get aware of the pattern of your exam. know your weak areas and work on them accordingly.

  • Attempt Mock Tests

Practice is the key to success. Practice as many mock tests as you can. Doing this will keep you in sync with tackling the exam on a regular basis and you will be in habit of giving exams.

  • Make your own targets and achieve it

Make small-small targets like daily topics to be covered etc. and try to complete it within the stipulated time.

  • Relax

Do not worry too much before exams. Prepare well and be confident.

  • Refer books wisely

While selecting books for studying, choose them wisely. Refer to a book which you can understand easily.

  • Breaks

While studying for long hours, do not forget to take breaks at regular intervals. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can easily take exam pressure if you are mentally and physically fit.


  • Don't Panic:

Both before and during exam try to be cool and relax. Be confident and attempt the paper with full concentration. For this build, a habit of giving full length mocks daily.

  • Do not mug up things:

Have a good understanding of all the concepts, and avoid cramming up things.

  • Do not stick to one question:

While attempting paper, do not give much time to any question and move on to other questions, even if it is your strongest topic just move to other questions. There is a possibility that you may find easy questions at the end of the paper.

  • Picking the wrong question:

Be attentive and wise enough while attempting paper. Attempt only those questions of which you are very much confident and save your precious time.

  • Studying Un-Important things:

With the increasing use of technology, studying online has become a trend now. But it is seen that students watch anything and everything available on the internet for their exams. This should be avoided. Watch only relevant tutorials and that too from reputed coaching centres.

Keep a note of all the above things & prepare for your exams wisely.


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