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Rule of mob: On mob lynching in several States

Rule of mob: On mob lynching in several States

Context-The lynching of three people, alleged cattle thieves suspected to be Bangladeshi nationals, in southern Assam’s Karimganj district on July 18 has once again brought to light the menace of mob lynching.


●It was the second such event of the week. 
●On June 1, a 43-year-old Bangladeshi national was lynched in Putni Tea Estate,Assam situated about 3 km from the India-Bangladesh border.
●According to the National Crime Records Bureau’s 2017 data, Assam has one of the highest crime rates in the country.

Why is it a cause of concern?
●Irrespective of whether they are thieves or smugglers, such killings point to a lack of faith in the rule of law, leading to a general lawlessness.
◆The varying standards of prosecution of crimes across the country add further challenges to the rule of law.
◆Such incidences weaken the social fabric of the nation.
◆Lynchings are a uniquely unsettling derailment of governance.
●An act of mob violence is itself a sign of failure of law enforcement, it is committed in an apparent consideration that there can be no legal recourse. 
◆It signals a trust deficit in democratic institutions and promotes mobocracy.

Why mob violence is on the rise?

●Wild conspiracy theories spreading fast through social media.
●Misinformation and rumors like child lifting,false accusations of cow slaughter,witchcraft etc.
●Polarising diatribes, often initiated by political leaders, related to cow protection, movement of people across the border and religious issues.
●Rising intolerance towards others as mentioned by the Supreme Court in Tehseen Poonawalla case (2018)

Way forward

◆There must be stringent intervention by the police to bring an end to mob violence.
◆The political leadership has a role to play in questioning the social consent that allows mob violence.
◆Implementation of the Supreme Court’s directives in Tehseen Poonawalla vs Union of India (2018) case
◆Recommendations made by the law commission of UP which prescribes a jail term for a range of 7 years to life imprisonment can also be considered to have a deterrent effect. 

Rule of mob: On mob lynching in several States

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