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What are the causes and treatment of ACNE ? How to prevent ACNE through home remedies.

Nothing can be more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to finally have clear skin, and then realizing the hard way that bad breaks don't necessarily end when your teenage years do. Coming to terms with adult acne is difficult—best rest secured, well there is no single woman dealing with zits, there are numerous, who are thinking why basically does this happens. Even though the outlook seems tedious (acne and wrinkles sounds like some sort of sick joke, right?), but we just keep on thinking why basically they occur dude. The hell part is when they leave the spot which remains like for months. Some of the reasons are here which I think can be behind this because I have faced this issue at high level. 1. Your hormones can be blamed. Fluctuation in hormones, such as before one's menstrual cycle, is the main cause. This usually rears its ugly head in the form of deep (painful) cystic acne around the chin, neck, and back. (Thanks a lot hormones!) 2. Another influential

Who is or was Osho. How did he become famous?

OSHO formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (birth name Chandra Mohan Jain) was a mystic, spiritual guru. Since childhood he was a rebellion (watch the movie 'Rebellious Flower ' to know more about his childhood) who questioned each & everything. At early age he realized most of the people were blindly following their respective religions without understanding why they were doing what they were doing. He decided to search & tread his own spiritual path & choose Meditation as the way. By the age 21 he was enlightened & set upon journey to spread the message. He traveled across country preaching Meditation settling at Bombay in 1970. He started initiating his disciples 'sanyas' & huge followers base started. He moved to Pune in 1974 in Ashram spread over large area to accommodate sanyasins from virtually all places across the world. His emphasis was on Meditation, awareness, love, celebration and most importantly humor. He stressed upon fact to tra

What are the best practices to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

Condom are safest as they prevent from unwanted pregnancy and Stds. But if you want other methods here they are i have compiled the data from different sources and some of the products may not be available in India. Following are the Methods: IUDs - T- shaped device placed inside the uterus, can be last upto 12 years, they release copper or progestine hormone which prevent sperm for fertilizing the egg. 2. Injection: A shot of hormone progestine which need to taken every three month. 3. Sponge: To be inserted in vagina. It works in two ways - It blocks your cervix to keep sperm from getting into your uterus, and it continuously releases spermicide Which kills sperms. 4. Pills: contains hormone progestin and estrogen or just progestin. 5. A patch which can sticked for upto 3 weeks and releases hormones Estrogen and progestin. 6. Spermicide: gels and foams to be applied whih kills sperms. 7. Implant: A small rod inserted in woman’s upper arm and it releases hormones works fo

Does PM Modi Works without a Single Leave .What is the bitter truth behind this?

 A PM is not an employee who had to inform his employer as to how many number of hours he is working. As long as he is achieving what he has promised, it should be fine with every one. If he is unable to fulfill his promises, then no one cares whether he took any leaves or not. Coming to the technical part of leave: We have a parliamentary democracy and their are checks and balances and there are some positions who are inter dependent in nature. PM though is answerable to President, however, President is also bound by the aid and advice of the cabinet headed by PM. So, its more like an amorphous situation and difficult for a PM to apply for a leave :-) and hence, technically , he was in office for every day. Now coming to another question: Had he used office time for personal ventures? Of course yes, Attending party meetings, RSS conclaves , photo shoot with his mother- all these are personal endeavours done out of office time. Are they illegal? No they are not, as he is a public fig

How to Change mood instantly l Feel Good instantly Guide

List the things and incidents which make you feel happy and are closest to your heart. when your mood goes updown just remember ,check out or read it. Have a faithful and loyal friend in your life and you have no need of anything to change your mood. Trust your abilities and just leave the place while close your lips will short out half of your problems. Try to get yourself busy and mood swing will be get lost. Don't make life much tuff and just enjoy each moment. Mood will automatically get changed when your surroundings will became healthy. never create a junk of unfruitful things in and around yourself. If you like this post then please upvote the answer and you may please support me by subscribing my YouTube channel .click the below video pls.

How does touch in Smartphone work l Basic Guide

How does touch screen works in smartphone? Touchscreens In A Nutshell Although touchscreens are becoming increasingly popular, they are by no means a new invention. The first touchscreen was invented back in the 1960s, and has gone through many changes and iterations to become the touchscreen we use today. Touchscreens are not limited to smartphones and tablets, they are literally everywhere; from ATM machines, point-of-sale terminals, and navigation systems, to game consoles and even touchpads on laptops. Touchscreens are popping up everywhere, and are slowly taking over our lives, so the least we can do is know a bit more about how they work! Capacitive touchscreen As opposed to the resistive touchscreen, which relies on the mechanical pressure made by the finger or stylus, the capacitive touchscreen makes use of the electrical properties of the human body. A capacitive screen is usually made of one insulating layer, such as glass, which is coated by a transparent conductive mat

How a Mobile Phone Works l Basic Guide

In the early 1990s, the mobile was a rare luxury.but in recent years it has almost every other gadget as a professional tool, domestic Convenience, and even a fashion accessory. Mobile phone has also shrunk in size. Due to rechargeable batteries which more electricity for longer in a small package.and to smaller, mire efficient electronics that use less electricity. A mobile is basically a low power radio receiver transmitter, plus a tiny microphone to convert sound into electric signals, and. Smaller speaker that does the reverse. When the mobile phone is activated, it send out a radio signal that is answered by nearby mast transmitter -receiver. The phone locks onto the clearest signal and uses this while within range. This range of each transmitter is known as a CELL. The mobile phone continuously moniter the signal strength and switches to alternative transmitter when necessary. The phones liquid crystal display (LCD)  shows number, letter, symbols and colour pictures. Newer m