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Situation Reaction Test Practice Set 1 by - GarhwalSir on Telegram airforcestudy.

Situation Reaction Test (Set-1)
1. You found a bag filled with medicines by the roadside. You:
A) Try to find out bill in the bag and try to inquiring about the owner of the bag .
B) You go to the police station and give it to the police officer.
C) Carry the medicines at your home and use them.
D) Sale the medicine to local pharmacist and earn money.

2. You are visiting abroad and on the arrival at airport counter, someone abuse Your nation in front of you. You:
A) You will complain to airport officials.
B) You will complaint to the embassy.
C) You will debate with them and try to change their view to the positive side.
D) You will beat the individual who is abusing Your nation.

3: You are having no contacts in foreign countries but one foreigner girl send you friend request on Facebook. You
A. Accept the request and start chit chat with her.
B. Accept the friend request and enquire about her.
C. Reject the request and block her permanently.
D. Check out and read her profile on Facebook  and then reject her request.

4: You are detailed to perform patrolling duty in field. you are having high fever. You:
A. Take some medicine for fever and perform your duty.
B. You are not well so you refuse for this duty.
C. You will tell another person to do your duty.
D. Take some medicines, perform your duty and then report to the doctor for proper treatment.

5: While returning to home after watching movie during midnight, you found three persons quarrelling on the way. You:
A. Ignore the incident and returns home.
B. Call the police, report the matter and wait there till police comes.
C. Make a video of the incident from a safe distance.
D. Go to the scene, tries to find out the reason of quarrels,  settle the issue and proceed to your destination. 

6: You want your son to be admitted in a school but the school refuses, even after your son has passed the entrance exam. you:
A. Takes your son to another school.
B. Drag the school to court for refusing the admission of your son.
C. Bring the matter to the notice of the media and pressurise them for admission.
D. Call your local MLA and request him for the admission of your son to the school.

7: You are assigned a difficult task which you have not done in past. You:
A. You will research about the task, talk to people who have done the task and plan accordingly.
B. learn that task through your friend and develop interest, complete the task to the best of your ability irrespective of their results.
C. Requests other professional to complete the task.
D.  Refuse to take that ask and  leave it inncompleted as it was given to you even after you refuses.

8: You are walking on the road and suddenly you find 2000 rupees note on it. You:
A. Take the money 
B. Leave it where it is, 
C. Deposit it at the nearest police station,
D. Give them money to the needy.

9: You are going to a marriage ceremony, where someone get severe burns on the hand while firing crackers. you:
A. Dip the victims hand in cold water and take him to hospital.
B. Wash the hand with soap and call a doctor.
C. Apply some ointment on the affected area.
D. Call an ambulance.

10: You are 23 years old male and your girlfriend has been cheating you.
What would you do?
A. Break relations with her give.
B. Give her tit for tat.
C. Make her realise her mistake. 
D. Tell your other male friends about her.

Solutions with explanation available on YouTube channel "Airforce phase 2 by GarhwalSir sir". 

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