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Bhuri Bai a tribal champion

Bhuri Bai a tribal champion
 From extracting colour from plants and clay and painting on walls to stroking acrylic 
colours on papers, Bhuri Bai is known as the first tribal woman artist to popularise the 
art of Pithora painting. Bhuri Bai is an Indian Bhil artist.
 Born in Pitol village, it's situated on the border of Madhya Pardesh and Gujrat but pitol 
is a village of Jhabua district in Madhya Pradesh, Bhuri Bai belongs to the community of 
Bhils, the largest tribal group
 She has won many awards including the highest state honour accorded to artists by the 
Madhya Pradesh government, the Shikhar Samman. She was awarded India's fourth 
highest civilian award the Padma Shri in 2021.
 Bhuri, belongs to one of the larg
with many awards including Shikhar Samman, Madhya Pradesh’s highest state honour. 
 Nari Shakti Puraskar (Woman Power Award) is an annual award given by the Ministry of 
Women and Child Development of 
institutions that work towards the cause of women empowerment.
 The awards are presented by the President of India on International Women's Day (8 
March), at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. 
 Besides painting, Bhuri Bai is also adept at the skill of hut
by some to be the oldest of India's tribal art forms.
 Bhuri Bai was the first artist of her community to start painting on paper. Her typically 
colourful canvases usually depict 


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