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Guide points to became a good and great doctor

Points1 - Complete your medical studies and specialization training at the right age, before you plunge into family responsibilities and get the requisite qualifications, training and exposure. 
Donot worry if it takes more time, involves getting less money or going overseas for short training or observer-ship. You will later on realize its worth in terms of providing you a competitive edge over others. 
➢ Do not compromise on your medical training. Get the best possible training that you can get and empower yourself. This will give you a firm foundation to build a sound professional career on.
 ➢ It depends on you how much knowledge you can gather from your teachers or mentors. If you are receptive, obedient, hard-working and eager to learn there is no end to how much you can learn from them. 
➢ Be totally focused during your training period and learn as much as possible. Concentrate on your clinical and surgical expertise so that at the end of your training, you are confident of your surgical skills. There will be many other things in life that will threaten to shake your confidence. Do not let surgical competence be one of them. 
➢ Be humble. Do not let success go to your head. 
➢ Work with sincerity and dedication.
 ➢ Always keep patient welfare topmost in mind even if you are in private practice. Follow ethical practice.
Learn patient-dealing and cultivate good communication skills. 
➢ Be approachable and accessible to your patients. 
➢ Document everything properly. This is very important especially if you are in private medical practice. 
➢ Aspire to better yourself. To secure an edge over others, improve your knowledge, skills and expertise.
 ➢ Keep yourself updated by visiting medical educational websites, medical e-learning platforms and health-related social media. Besides other advantages, it will help you be in touch with others in your field and keep abreast with the latest.
 ➢ Be determined and thick-skinned. Setbacks are bound to come in life. In the end the one who succeeds is the one who does not allow setbacks to affect him. As Churchill famously said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal.” ➢ The medical profession is looking up in the non-metro cities now, with greater mobility of funds, more disposable incomes and easier financing options for doctors. The word-of-mouth publicity also works faster in smaller cities, if you can provide good services to your patients. So, it is a good idea for young doctors to explore the opportunities in Grade B cities in India.


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