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Nites on S-400 TRIUMPH Missile system

 S400 Triumph missile system, Government is aware of all developments that may 
impact procurement of Defence Equipment. Government takes sovereign decisions 
based on threat perception, operational
Key Points
 The S-400 Triumph (NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler) is an air defence missile 
system developed by Almaz Central Design Bureau of Russia.
 The S-400 was developed as an upgrade of the S-300 series of surface-to-air missile 
 Russia supplied two regiments of the S-400 Triumph system to the Armed Forces of 
China by July 2019.
 The contract for the delivery of S-400 Triumph to Turkey was signed in April 2017 and 
the first batch was delivered in July 2019.
 In October 2018, Rosoboron export signed a contract with India to deliver S-400 missile 
 The S-400 Triumph air defence system integrates a multifunction radar, autonomous 
detection and targeting systems, anti-aircraft missile systems, launchers, and command 
and control centre.
 It is capable of firing three types of missiles to create a layered defence.
 The S-400 is twice as effective as the previous Russian air defence systems and can be 
deployed within five minutes.


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