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Nites on Cryptocurrency by Garhwal Sir

 In simplistic terms, Cryptocurrency is a digitised asset spread through multiple 
computers in a shared network. The decentralised nature of this network shields them 
from any control from government regulatory bodies.
 The term “cryptocurrency in itself is derived from the encryption techniques used to 
secure the network.
 As per computer experts, any system that falls under the category of cryptocurrency 
must meet the following requirements.
Blockchain Technology
 Blockchain is an innovative distributed ledger technology that was first introduced in the 
design and development of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
 This technology eliminates the requirement of a central entity / third party to validate 
the transactions over the peer-to-peer network
 Blockchain uses a unique data structure where verification data related to the 
transactional records is cryptographically secured against tampering and stored in 
Absence of any centralised authority and is maintained through distributed networks
 The system maintains records of cryptocurrency units and who owns them.
 The system decides whether new units can be created and in case it does, decided the 
origin and the ownership terms.
 Ownership of cryptocurrency units can be proved exclusively cryptographically.
The system allows transactions to be performed in which ownership of the 
cryptographic units is changed.
 The competing cryptocurrencies that were created as a result of Bitcoin’s success are 
known as altcoins.
Some of the well known altcoins are as follows:
 Litecoin
 Peercoin
 Namecoin
 Ethereum
 Cardana


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