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Everything about CDS post in India

About CDS post
• Chief of Defence Staff of the Indian Armed Forces (CDS) is the military head and 
chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee of the Indian Armed Forces.
• The Chief of Defence Staff is the senior-most and highest-ranking uniformed officer 
on active duty in the Indian military, and is the principal staff officer and chief 
military adviser to the Minister of Defence. 
• The Chief also heads the Department of Military Affairs. The first Chief of Defence 
Staff was Mr Bipin Rawat who took office on 1 January 2020, and held it until his 
death in a helicopter crash on 8 December 2021. 
• The CDS is a four-star officer selected from among the serving officers of the Indian 
Armed Forces.
• While being "first among equals" among the service chiefs, the CDS is a single-point 
military advisor to the defence minister.
• The CDS is assisted by a deputy, the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff. The CDS heads 
the Department of Military Affairs under the Ministry of Defence, as its secretary. 
• Apart from heading the DMA, the CDS is the Permanent Chairperson of the Chiefs of 
Staff Committee (PC-CoSC). 
• The position of the Chief of Defence Staff was created with the aim of improving 
coordination, tri-service effectiveness and overall integration of the combat 
capabilities of the Indian armed forces.


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