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BrahMos Missile system Quick Notes for Group Discussion

• This is the first supersonic cruise missile to enter service. It is capable of attaining a 
speed of Mach 2.8 (almost three times the speed of sound), it has a range of at least 
290 km (a new version can reach up to 400km)
• BrahMos is a ramjet supersonic cruise missile of a short-range developed by 
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Russian 
Federation’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya.
BrahMos was named after two major rivers of India and Russia: Brahmaputra and 
• The technology used in this joint venture is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise 
missile and similar sea-skimming cruise missiles from Russia.
Technical Details of BrahMos
• BrahMos is a medium-range 2 stage missile. The propulsion of BrahMos can be 
explained as follows:
• Stage 1
 Solid Propellant Booster Engine
 Is separated after it reaches MACH-1 or Supersonic speed
• Stage 2
 Liquid Ramjet Engine
 Takes the missile close to MACH 3 in cruise phase
Features of BrahMos
• Stealth Technology
• Advanced guidance system
• High Target Accuracy (irrespective of weather conditions)
• Constant supersonic speed
• Operates on ‘Fire and Forget’ Principle
• BrahMos can be launched from land, aircraft, ships, and even submarines.
• One of the heaviest missiles, weighing up to 2.5 tonnes.


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