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Psychological problems in students and How to deal with these problems ? #GarhwalSir

A factor leading to the psychological problem increasing among the students and how to deal with it. 

Hello to all, the psychological problem in the current generation of students is common. There are lots of reasons behind this, some of them are I am trying to explain here, that is:-

1. Fear of society & Parents:- 
As we all know that nowadays Children's neighbours are more concerned than children's parents, Not because they want the best for the child, but because that child does not overtake their child. For this reason, parents always force the child to study and give an example to the neighbour's child by using famous line "Ki Dekh Chintu is 1st rank hai, Tu to Aise hi rah Jayega", and for this reason, even if the child knows, then he is not able to perform and gradually becomes nervous.

2. Making Fun of Weak Students in the Class:-
As we know all fingers aren't the same, in the same way, all students in the class are not the same, they having different understanding levels and different capturing capabilities. I saw many times in class teachers used to say " class me sabse major ladka yahi hai, issue kuch nahi Santa, gadha hai ye bla bla", Instead of understanding what the child's problem is, they stick these lines. And slowly-slowly the child lose his confidence.

3. Unable to ask doubt in Class because of Shyness:-
I know many students in the class having outstanding, capabilities to do anything, but because of shyness they never asked any doubt in the class.  I have noticed that most of this problem happens with the children of the village. As I also belong from the village so I can feel it. For this reason, they lag behind other children and take tension, if they got fewer marks.

I am adding one more line with this, If the teacher is too harsh in the class, then the children are afraid to ask anything.

5. Having many Distractions in life:- 
As we all know that nowadays children have a lot to do in life, like smartphones, TV, Video games etc. Take a look at smartphones, can you noticed, if your child is 10-12 yr old, how much mobile does he use. I think more than half a day ( During Covid), Right. Then how he can manage his study. Somewhere sure will compromise and finally, this will affect his final result. And he will be again in tension. 

5. Lack of Participation in sports:
I think this one is also a big reason for psychological disorders. If we talk about 15 years ago from today, then we did not have so many means to waste time for eg, Mobile, tv, video game etc. So most of the time we used for Study and we played different games like Kho-Kho, kabaddi, hide&seek, cricket etc. And as far as I know, sports has a direct connection to our minds. But nowadays kids only playing either video games on mobile or watching videos. They are not doing any physical work, and it's directly affecting the level of problem handling.


Now, come to the solutions to each problem & the solutions are hidden behind each reason, what I mean, we have to just follow opposite things.
For eg- Please do not allow the use of a smartphone to the kids, until he reached to able that. Now the story is so long. So I am finishing here.

Thanks to all for giving their valuable time to read this article.


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