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Use of biofuels : Group Discussion Topic


Delhi has been facing chronic problem of smoke during every winter season, due to burning of rice stubble in Punjab and Haryana.  The smoke produces toxic pollutants which are disease causing such as chest congestion, lung diseases etc. Biofuels are derivatives of renewable Biomass resources such as Municipal waste, agriculture waste like stubble etc. The problem of Delhi smog can be addressed if we can convert the rice stubble into biofuels. Bio-energy sector is may provide as numerous benefits in employment opportunities along with reducing pollution.

Bio fuels and its derivatives have various benefits such as it may increase income of farmers.  Instead of burning stubble which is dangerous to soil and environment, it can be converted into coal. Biofuels also increase income of farmers due to more demand of crops such as sugarcane (used for ethanol blending) etc.other

Other benefit of using biofuels are increased in Employment generation due to creation of new supplies and reduction in environment pollution. The government may also get benefited. Using more biofuels will reduce the demand for fuel such as crude oils, as a lesser import will save  lot of  resources of government. 

Despite the above Benefits there are numerous challenges associated with biofuels. Most challenging  is the technological bottlenecks. India still has fewer Technologist to harness bio-fuels. Recently  Swedish Technology has been used in Mohali to convert  Residues into coal  pellets, but the scale of using these technologies are few.  Energy generation from biofuels are also less than conventional sources of energy. There is also a lesser awareness among farmers to use crop Residues .

Government of India has taken numerous initiatives. National policy on biofuels- 2018 is prominent among them. National policy on biofuels as target of 20% blending of Ethanol in petrol and 5% blending of biofuels in the diesel by 2030. It also aims to increase production of Ethanol blended up.

 The use of biofuels can  increase farmers income, provides employment and reduce pollution. Hence it is essential to use it with suitable Technology. More research can be done in this sector with the collaboration of international agencies. The technology   used in Mohali to convert stubble  into coal pellets, the public private partnership may be increased in inventing the new technology. In view of the above, it may be concluded that using bio -fuels as an alternative to crude oil. It will be beneficial for all sustainable development goal number 7 , as it aim to ensure access to affordable, reliable , sustainable and modern energy for all. Biofuels can help us to achieve this goal.


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