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Child Labour : Group Discussion Topic

Child Labour

 ILO (International Labour Organisation) conventions adopted in 1999, against child labour has got universal ratification now in 2020. Child labour is a very serious Global problem present in most of the countries. 

According to UN, in India child labour contributes 20% of gross national product (GNP).

Causes of child labour 

Poverty : lack of basic necessities makes the children in the family to work 

Lack of educational institutions :in many remote village there is no sufficient schools and they suffer students - teacher ratio problems.

 Illiteracy and lack of awareness - illiterate parents Lake than knowledge about importance of education in make children to work.

 Disease and disability parents : due to disease parents depends on earning from their children 

Cheap labour: child labour is increased as they are paid less.

 Gender bias - in some families male are educated and female are sent to work.

 Safety and sanitation - in schools girl children are sent to work due to safety and lake of sanitation in schools.

How it affects child 

Lake of parental care - working children are mostly separated from parents,  they work in different locations. so children are deprived of parental care which makes them physically and mentally sick .

 Children are made to work in hazardous areas like mining, factories at Sector putting their life at risk girl child Safa educational sexual exploitation and are forced to be prostituted at the age when they are unaware about the consequences.

 Children are also trained to work in terrorist groups, it threatening child's life as well as countries security .

Child labour is taking away a child's basic human rights and right to education. This make them unproductive and in future they may develop hate against society. 

Measures taken and suggestions -


ILO  convention against child labour - UN Declaration of Human Rights said childhood of children should be protected with special care and assistance.

Indian measures :

 According to Guruprasad Swamy committee child labour prohibition and Regulation Act 1986 was implemented,  which prohibited employment of child below 14 years of age in hazardous occupations, 

Juvenile justice act 2015 

 Beti Bachao beti padhao - to promote female education s

Serve Shiksha Abhiyan to achieve Universal elementary education 

Further, eridicating child labour is not only in the hands of government, but also peoples responsibility. rich people may adopt poor children and fund for their education. NGO plays important role in washing out child labour. over it has to be washed away  by increasing the income of poor and marginalized people.


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