Situation reaction test or psychological test
Advanced airmen in Indian Air force, it is required to take decisions and your reaction and intelligence is matters.
It is important to check that how you would react to certain situation and how you handle the situation.
SRT is largely a test of common sense.
In everyday life one come across certain situations and have to handle them or find a solution for them and to act in an appropriate way, hence a set of 45 SRT is given and you need to solve all the situations in 30 minutes.
A situation reaction test basically focus on analysing your personality based on your reaction to the given situation. when you are in a situation or crisis you have to act like a leader there.
The process of solving a situation has two aspects:
1. mental conviction and
2. resource application
Key points to remember
It is a taste of your common sense.
There are common situations pertaining to everyday life.
Your response should be practical and must be acceptable like a normal human being .
It is advised that you practice a set of 15 to 20 SR 30 daily keeping that time limit in mind .
Usually the first response which comes to your mind is your actual. personality and sometimes it is the best one.
The quality of your response matters.
You have to answer all the situations and it is compulsory for you so don't leave any situation in between as its shows lake of decision-making .
How to perform well in situation reaction test situation reaction test
examine the various aspirants for the normal happening of the life and the situation that may arise suddenly in one's life anytime situation given in the series are such that can anytime happen with anyone suddenly .
you are provided with a booklet of 45 SRTs and need to answer all of them within 30 minute. each question having 4 options and you have to choose any one option and mark it in the OMR sheet given to you.
the best formula to attempt all the questions is to just do not try to skip any situation in between .
Be realistic and practical while answering the situation .
Be truthful and don't try to fake .
Read the situation properly before answering to understand the questions properly .
Do not waste much time in thinking about the answer of one situation it may lead to many questions left unattended.
Think logically, be clear and give quick decision in every situation of stress and pressure without getting nervous
Always try to be a gentleman and a responsible person of the society don't leave any stone unturned when it is the matter to help others.
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