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Nepotism And its impact in indian society

नेपोटिज्म मतलब भाईचारा

nepotism is the practice of showing favoritism. Nepotism means using your power or position to give unfair advertising to members of your family, and others who are close to them.

Everyone wishes their child to be good, or better than themselves.

Nepotism is a disease which cannot be transmitted but it can be inherited. it is basically favoritism where the practice of power to favour one of relatives is carried out to open the window of opportunity. Which is an injustice to the deserving person people who have no background in a particular industry, they have to struggles more but the one with lace talent can capture his place because of nepotism. Nepotism also hamper job satisfaction as all the awards and rewards goes to their favorites. Recently a talented actor committed suicide due to this nepotism in Bollywood , this will cause a fall down in the particular industry. 

We can take the example of Rahul Gandhi also. There is a strong interpersonal relations among the favoritism peoples, but for industry point of view there are a lot of disadvantages because after a lot of hard work and skill one  can be failed in the field due to this nepotism. Legacywith nepotism is although a good sign but simply nepotism /inheritance is not at all useful.

अपने लोगों को अपने घरवालों को ही सपोर्ट करना,

जो अक्सर हार जगह हर सेक्टर हर चीज में पाया जाता है

मानो कोई एक नेता बड़ा बनता है तो वो उसके रिलेशन वालो सब लोगो का भविष्य उसके काम से बना देता है

या कोई एक हीरो या हीरोइन अपने लाइफ में अच्छा मुकाम पा लेते है तो वो अपने बेटे, भतीजे, बेटी, भतीजी, पोती, पोता उनका करियर भी आराम से बना देते है उनके काम से उनके कॉन्टेक्ट से उनको सपोर्ट कर कर

इससे होता ये है कि जो उस पोजिशन के लायक होता है उसे वो जगह मिल नहीं पाती और ये बड़े बने हुए लोग अपने घरवालों को उस जगह बिठा कर उस गरीब या उस एलिजिबल व्यक्ति का करियर खा जाते है

Nepotism refers to when those who have power show special and unfair favor to those they know, typically family and friends. Examples of this special treatment may include giving the favored individual a job, providing more and greater opportunities within a company, or increasing their pay.

nepotism never mean the product of nepotism has no talent. There are great example from history where products of nepotism achived even greater heights than their godfathers.

Product of nepotism will definitely fail today of tomorrow if it doesn't have the right talent

Then if nepotism is not the problem then where real problem lies. I think everyone one is taking it wrong. The problem of Bollywood is not nepotism but it's groupism. It's the thought of keeping outsiders out, it's the insecurities of that big privileged group that is making talented, laborious, good hearted people cry and even take their lives.

Nepotism is not just about bollywood being partial but every incident where your talent was sidelined over money or power is nepotism.

Nepotism spreads all over the country and is practised everywhere. In schools/colleges, politics, bollywood industry, banks, etc. For instance, there are many, many examples of nepotism like The Gandhi Family, from Jawaharlal Nehru to Rahul Gandhi, from Mulayam Singh Yadav to Akhilesh Yadav, everyone has seen this. And not only politics, there are also some examples like Alia Bhatt, daughter of Mahesh Bhatt (the famous Bollywood director), came into Bollywood sector and is given much more preference and like Ranbir Kapoor, son of Rishi Kapoor (famous Bollywood actor) was given more preference.

Negative impect

The eligible candidate do not get a chance to prove himself as the children or relatives of any prominent personality snatch their chances.

Positive impact

Legacy with nepotism is some how good.


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