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Sports in India GD Topic for Airforce Phase2

As soon as the Topic is open for Discussion:

Condidate 1. Let me take the privilege to initiate the discussion on the given topic Sports in India. Sports in India have improved at greater levels in recent decades. Even some sports like chess, badminton and kalayripattu a form of martial art originated in India. Indians have been taking parts in sports since ancient times like horse riding,hunting shooting etc.

Condidate 2. 
Gentlemen according to me sports is physical activities which help our body to relax and maintain health, in india nowadays sports is an important element to pursue as future career.

Condidate 3. I am agree with my friend chest No.2. but I want to Add more. Today cinerio student take initiative in sports . Many youth attracts towards sport .govt take initiative to attratct games and sport by giving them to job..

Condidate 4. Yes But I want to add that Gentlemen for improvements in sports sector first thing is that our government should improve the infrastructure.

Condidate 5 (Starts late but with a good confidence and insight)
Yes it is appropriate to say that we are lacking behind much in sports ! We are 2nd most populous country , 65% of population is youth, we have young minds , healthy people but still we are lacking behind much in sports !
 We also have noticed the no of medals clinnched in international events are low ! 

 The challenges is of allocation of funds., Nd policies ! 
 Also govt does not provide a platform to deserving candidates due to corruption and diversion of funds !

Condidate 6.
People in our are country passionate about sports. We do not have deficiency of talent but the means to bring them up to a level.

Condidate 7.

But a major problem that most of the sports athletes face today are :-
1. No proper funds are allocated to them
2. Due to high levels of corruption, they found it difficult to practice on time.
3. Poor Infrastructure facilities is another hurdle for athletes.

Condidate 8.

gentlemen in my view india is doing better in sports not only nationally but internationally too like from their presence into national games, asian games and with Olympics. The main challenge face by the sports federation of India and players is corruption... By which The talented and deserve personalities not able to showcase their talent.....

Condidate 9.
I think the problem begins from the very elementary level.In our country we  don't focus much  on sports and other physical activities in the primary level.Our course curriculum is not designed according to that.Even in our school days,we had one or two PT or games period in a week and the teachers hesitated in that too.

Condidate 10.
Sorry to differ but Rather than focusing on development of one sports India should adopt a multi sports development strategy. Like USA who is dominating in basketball, baseball, swimming etc. India should also support games other then cricket to help upcoming generations of other sports as well.

Condidate 11.
Though india have made great stride in field of sports be it  track events or field india has achieved great height but we can certainly do better with certain changes these include 
1 proper sports training 
2 equipments and infrastructure 
3 more  sports events like khelo India to encourage  participation (fair play)
4 inclusion of sports at the primary level (to inprove all aspects..mental or physical)
 And more but this is possible with the proactive approach of sportspersons and govt.
so the malpractice like corruption can be substituted by fair play awards.
With this we can inspire and motivate them to do much better and we'll do.

Condidate 12.
Sports should also be made an important part of curriculum and marks should be alloted for sports. Any single sport must be made compulsory for all will also help in their overall development and boost their confidence.

Condidate 13.
In my opinion challenges faced by the sports players in our country are -

Most and important media always concentrates on cricket more than other sports. Many of us are still unaware that India has its own ice hockey team. Though the situation is improving, the change is not upto the mark.

Condidate 14 
One point I have add to ur suggestions that media and people's and parents should encourage the sports man.

Condidate 15.
(Asked to conclude the discussion)

Sports can be improved in India with better infrastructures and providing equal importance to each sports activity. Authorities are required to run behind the talents who can represent India at world level and give them proper training, facilities and provide the talents financial stability so that they could focus on the sports rather than worrying about the money for their daily use.

1. Current India standings on global level is quite good but it's not balanced, few sports are far ahead than the others. But recently various leagues organized in India of different sports lead to the uplifting of various other sports other than the cricket. Still a better facilities and uplifting the talents is required to pull up various other sports activity which are not too main stream in India but have lots of competition at global level.

2. Though, the national game of India is Hockey but the cricket board of India , that is BCCI is the richest organization over the globe because majority of India's population is mad for cricket and doesn't give heed to any other sports game. Which leads to all the facilities and eyes goes towards cricket and other sports doesn't get attention. One has to bring the medal without being know to get the spotlight in India for other games. That too without proper facilities, diet and infrastructures. The not so main stream sports face lots of challenges to rise up.

3. Proper facilities and appreciation both morally and financially should be provided for all the games and the player along with the administrations of the related games. The main stream media is required to focus on every sports where talents from India is representing our country. Which will lead to the popularity among the audience of the country which will lead to providing immense pleasure and support to the players and the whole team and as the audience will increase that particular sports will get more number of sponsors which will help in developing the game, making the team and administration financially stable and will take step forward for the betterment of infrastructures.

Summary of the discussion

India is one of the youngest nation of world as we have 65% as youth . We have good minds nd talents but we are lacking behind .

Indias standings is not balanced like we are topped at few sports nd we r at bottom in sports this is because of not giving equal recognisation to sports .

Challenges faced -
Lowers budget in sports,
Corruption in sports ,
Lack of infrastructure,
Lack of gears nd sports equipments ,
Lower authority  given to sports authorities ,
No recognisation at global and national level ,
Insecured employement in the field of sports to players,
Lack of suppport from family as they think that thier is no employment in the field ,
President who heads the authority is not related to sports., 

Solutions -
Corruption to be eradicated ,
Need of giving a  seat to deserving canditate, 
Proper regulation of funds ,
Higher budges allocation,
 Strict policies ,
Global nd national recognition ,
Good representation  for sport players in various platform,
reservation for  players in employment ,
Moral support from family , school ,
Construction  of proper infrastructre for conducting sports ,
Organizations of sport activities at district ,block , zila, state and national level!


Challenges faced by sports federation of India and Players:

•No proper governing of Administrative issues is the prime concern with Indian sports.
•Non-Involvement of ex-sportsman in administrative staff.
•Lack of sporting infrastructure.
•Poor facilities by government.
•Lack of job security of the sportsman.
•Unless there is an exception in achievement of women player-no news channel or media shows any concern or care about women in sports.
•Lack of family support and sports culture in our societies.
•Not enough recognition for other sportsmen when compared to fame of cricketers.
•Athletes do not receive proper funding to meet their needs.
•Sportsman don’t have constant source of income and no help is given by government in their early stages of trainings.
•No proper sports education during early stages in schools.
•Media always concentrates on cricket more than other sports. Many of us are still unaware that India has its own ice hockey team. Though the situation is improving, the change is not upto the mark.
•Corruption & Mismanagement of sports authorities
•Social and economic inequalities-Denial of access to sports infrastructure due to poverty, concentration of stadiums and lack of encouragement to girls/women.
•Meagre allocation of resources
•lack of awareness and encouragement of specially abled players and lack of participation of para athletes.

Government approach towards solving the issue - 

•In September 2017, the Union Cabinet approved the revamped Khelo India programme.This would impact the entire sports ecosystem, including infrastructure, community sports, talent identification, coaching for excellence, competition structure and sports economy.
•In March 2017, 12 Indian players of international eminence were appointed by the government as National Observers for the first time for the development of various sports in the country.
•Under the scheme of “Assistance to National Sports Federations”, the government has been providing financial assistance to the recognized National Sports Federations (NSFs) for supporting girls/women’s exposure, training and participation at national/ international level.
•Govt approved the appointment of foreign coaches and supporting staffs and encouragement of local coaches in the upcoming mega events like Olympics.
•Recently,during lockdown Sports Authority of India(SAI) has deposited 30,000 rupees each as out of pocket allowances in accounts of 2749 khelo India athletes.
•Paralympics Committe of India is a welcome step in order to encourage para athletes in our country.Para athlete online development programme ,para sports webinar such as Sports psychology,sports nutrition,yoga,wheel chair skills,para archery and para badminton are some major steps taken for this.
•Grameen marathon, Rural games,Grameen khel mahotsav to popularize the indigenous games like wrestling ,athletics,tug of war,matka race to convey the message that every age category needs to take up and participate sports.
•Launch of Sports Talent Search Portal- the portal will provide a transparent platform for talented youth to upload their achievements,and those who got success will be offered admission to SAI schemes.
•On recommendation of Olympic Task force ,A stipend of 50,000 per month will be given to all the athletes under Target Olympic scheme to meet pocket expenses during their preparation for participation in International sports event.

What else to be done -

-Provide financial support for retired players.
-Selection process of players and board members needs more transparency.
-Sports-governing bodies head will be an ex-sportsman. This will create job opportunities for sportsmen as well.
-Equal Promotion of all sports, encouragement of every small victory to boost confidence of players.
-Creating awareness in societies, changing the mindset towards the sports.
-Setting up sports schools by Govt.

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