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Role of Technology during COVID-19 Pandemic situation

As soon as GD is open for Discussion:
Candidate 1. 
Technology  helps us to engage with social media . As we known various places in rural as well as urban area many people who are on Facebook and tiktok they devote their time to these app due to which they won't move out from their home. Various bollywood and hollywood actress keep pleasing other to follow norms and  it also motivate peoples to stay at home.

Candidate 2.  Technology helps us to maintain an online database of the citizens , it helps a lot now and the relief is directly transferred to the people without any hassle and its fast too.

Candidate 3. Video conferencing is the primary way to connect with each other now, Classes are being conducted online, Courts are hearing cases in conferences ,Whole IT sector is working from home, This had only been possible because of our robust internet infrastructure and private players have done a tremendous job maintaining the quality of it, But there have been some risk for example some sensitive government meetings were done on zoom app which is now known for its bad security flaws and is also a chinise giant.

Candidate 4.  though corona virus is hittin hard our economy nowdays...but  during this time even the unorganised sector in our economy are moving to online platforrms like small departmental stores using swiggy and zomato platform to make their producy deliverable...apart from these govermnet meeting are conducting through video confrencing.. various internation summits held through video confrencing which is a good sign because it will save transportation and accomodation cost of our leaders travelling abroad.

Candidate 5.Also high tech drones are being used for tight surveillance on Hotspots which was not possible by any amount of man power.

Candidate 6.  courts listen the cases by on line video conferencing to give timly judgements

Candidate 7
As per my opinion the roles of technology are:
1. Providing instructions and awarness among people

2.Conducting meetings through video conferencing

3.Providing training to volunteers through digital media.

4.The financial help for Organization fighting against  COVID-19 are easy through Digital banking for gov.

5.Identifying COVID-19 symptom people instantly through arogya Setu app.

Candidate 8.
Important asset of any country is their students so for their education technology is a great helping hand.. Online classes help them to reach to their teachers. 

Candidate 9.  Technology has turned out to be a live saver for millions, Coronavirus has played an important role in realising us how important it is to boost up our health system with high tech ventilators. 

Candidate 10. (Asked to conclude the topic)

Thanks for giving me a chance to conclude this topic. As per my view:
• Govt schemes are turning out be a lifesaver in this pandemic. E-governance, e-education, e-banking and other services help the people a lot in such tense situations.

•Surveillance drones are the best options to keep track of large areas.

• Govt apps like ArogyaSetu and others are turned out to be as a total game-changer

•It companies are also doing good by offering Work from Home options to its employees in such situations.
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