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How to Crack any exam in 1 month Study

Productivity and Proactivity

Enthusiasm + Hard work (Directional)- Distraction = Success

Now don’t sit long for the sake of sitting. Participate in maximum. Grab the concept. Focus on why, how and when! Do quality study. Do not shift things on time. Do not take it lightly. The more you will use your brain, the more capable it will become. The best strategy to overcome your fear in any particular topic is to prepare it first before preparing anything else. This strategy is useful. Go-getter type of attitude is important. Just focus on studies when you study, this matters.

Always take out 20 minutes to revise everything that you have studied that day. Revision every day in must.

Take a glance over the topic of today!

Not knowing the depth of the pool you are going to swim in? Well, do not just study the topic. Understand it. Take a glance at what you are going to study today and set a time limit. At least take three sessions of 3 hours each. Understand the prospects of the day’s topic, its relevance as an examination perspective, the importance of topic, simplicity, etc. before moving on the study.

Commitment plus a challenge!

Don’t bother about failure. The path you are on is the most successful one. Ruthless study always pays. Commit to challenge the aim and to crack it. Stick to the strategy daily.

Use mind maps, Sticky notes to revise properly!

Analogies to remember what you have read 12 days ago will serve your purpose. For revision is the key, keep making mind maps, sticky notes or short notes and paste them on your wall if possible. Take a daily look at them. They will feed the topic in your subconscious mind and you will recall them better in the exam time. Remember 4 R’s off the study,

Practice makes a man perfect!

Solve as many MOCK Tests as you can. Incubate the proper standards to the main exam and try to solve in exam like conditions. Attempting sample mock tests will help you manage time and pressure during the actual examination. It is one of the best ways to gauge your skills and scope of improvement. You can easily analyse your strengths and weaknesses afterwards and can work upon them to improve.


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