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Group Discussion for Airforce Phase2 on Developmental Problems of North East India

Candidate 1.
Good morning to everyone
As per my opionion the major region behind the challenges in north eastern states is the socio econimic and political issues are there. If we talk about the development, they are very less developed in campare to other states.
There policies are not up to the mark ,political party and members are not that much vibrant to enhace the livelihood of the people.
As that area is very imp to india still we are not focusing on it that much. Immigration from near by countries like bangladesh is also a big deal. 

Candidate 2. 
Mainly Insurgency is the biggest prob NE is facing
2nd... Illegal immigration ... 
As border is porous , states sharing border with Myanmar, bangladsh and China... Due to the  porous border.l, it become easy for insurgents to enter into our country and create disturbance

3rd. Also there have always been border disputes among the region.

Candidate 3. 
Giving special status to these states have both positives and negatives. The purpose was of giving special status was provide protection to the ethnicity of these groups and culture.

Candidate 4.
The narrow siliguri corridor which connects rest of India to NE is of strategic importance as it is surrounded by China and Bhutan so in future if China invades and attacks chumbi valley then the entire NE will be cut off from rest of the India.

Candidate 5.
Gentlemen I think socio economic and geographical and political challenges are the reason. As we know the northeast states of India having less touch due to their geographical location. The culture and  facial complex, is totally different from rest of India. Even India is unable to invest big projects in this region due to the less development the people joined terror groups and protesting against govt. Political challenges are also the main reason government gave less weightge to 7 sister due to less contact with rest of India.

 Candidate 6.
Socially different:- their culture is totally different from the rest of the India

Geography :- terrains are highly uneven and difficult to reach to the places also it is known as the "Amazon of the East"

Politics :- lack of Interest by the politicians in north-east parts
are the few problems tht they are facing.

Candidate 7. 

Andas we all know North-Eastern region is full of Flora and Fauna thus could be a place for the tourists or can imerge as one of the good tourist places which will generates jobs and etc. But for this the connectivity and infrastructure development is the need of the time.

Candidate 8. 
Apart from this, the entire NE falls under seismic zone V hence frequent earthquakes are common in that region hence managing roads and railway tracks is a difficult task in NE

Candidate 9. northeast region is surely and amazing place for tourist visit but it is much unexplored because first treason there is no proper transport even because even if the flights are operating it's mostly the public once like air India official safe and commercial flights not operate because there is less traffic of the visitors there so that is not profitable to them secondly government is planning and has also made many airports there but it is still very important strategy for the government has including the act East policy and also it has this concept of which stands for highway internet railway and airway.

Candidate 10.
Due to various reasons the citizens of those area are suffering day by day like.
1. Very bad road connectivity
2. Less importantance for their art and culture.
3. Supprt frm govt. Is not upto the mark.
4. Very less railnetwork,airports which lead to transportation issues 
5. No proper management for tourists as its the moat vibrant and scenic beauty of india.
6. Support to the tribal people and other religions is less. 
7. Lack infrastructure for healthcare,educatikn and sports.
8. Hindernces produced by nearby countries.

Candidate 11.
 The way forward is to allow more funds in building infrastructure in northeatern states .
2.govt should take intative in solving the  disputes between naxalist group.providing more jobs to youth , education, digital literacy
3.illegal migration should be banned or controlled
4.conserving and upholding the cultures and festivals into world
5.because of the good climatic condition there is high chance for tourism .more focus should be on tourism which will attract investors and also it will develop the states by providing jobs

Candidate 12.
 We can also add that central government and state government should work together to win the confidence by enhancing the socio economic conditions of the people, promote inclusiveness and thus mitigating the influence of terrorist group in north east.


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