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General Tips to Crack Airforce Phase2 Situation Reaction Test

Get Complete details about Situation Reaction Test for Airforce Interview. Here we will discuss some important tips to crack the Situation Reaction Test.

Situation Reaction Test

What is SRT?

Situation Reaction Test (SRT) is a part of Airforce Phase2 and conducted before Group Discussion. It is a kind of psychological tests. One has to score well in SRT to crack Airforce Phase2.

The situations that are mentioned in the test are pertaining to day-to-day life problems which a person may encounter and based on those situations a response is demanded. You have to select any one response out of 04 options and answering of each SRT is compulsory.

The response is then tested to check the personally that Aspirants having.

A candidate's way of responding shows his common sense, sense of time, ability to reason, maturity, and empathy.

The procedure of SRT:

Each candidate is given a booklet which consists of 45 Situations with blanks.

There are a total of 45 Situations that are to be answered in 30 minutes. So this means that a candidate only gets neary 1.5 minute for one situation.

Tips to clear SRT:

Don’t select imaginary responses. For eg - You extinguished the fire and also rescued everyone on your own.

Do not forget your moral and ethical responsibilities to society and to the victim.

Don't show panic in your response to the situation like don't select the options like for the same example situation – "I'll cry for help and gather everyone".

While select the response make sure what is the nature of the central character, apply some common sense while answering the response.

Don’t act over smart in the situation, like if you are not able to solve a problem and then afterwards you found out a shortcut way to solve a problem, then you should not act oversmart and try to teach the teacher.

Try and give out a logical sequence to the whole situation and solve them step by step. For eg - when a person is drowning, one will jump into the water; pull his hair and carry him ashore;

Situation Reaction Test for Practice:

Here is a list of SRT’s for your practice:

  1. His captain was injured before the final match, he was asked to lead the team? He….
  2. He was going to his home & suddenly it started raining. He…
  3. He is an Officer posted in the border, suddenly shelling occurs from the other side. He…..
  4. He finds his hostel roommate not very friendly. He will…..
  5. His mom is seriously ill and his boss doesn’t grant him leave. He will ………
  6. He was on a trekking trip when he observed that he was left alone in the jungle. He will……………
  7. His brother is facing charges for a murder which he actually committed. He will...
  8. He went for the picnic with his friends and on the way, he had hot arguments with them. He…
  9. He is required to dig trenches, but his colleagues are not co-operating with him. He…
  10. While returning to home after watching the cinema at midnight, he found two persons quarrelling on the way. He…
  11. He is going to attend an important meeting and he is already getting late. Suddenly the road is blocked due to traffic jam. He…
  12. He is serving under two senior officers who always give conflicting orders. He...
  13. He is assigned a difficult task which he has not done earlier. He….
  14. In a train journey, at mid-night certain sound disturbed your sleep. On being woken up, he found someone trying to steal through the window. He…
  15. His sister’s marriage is fixed. His relative refused to give loan/money. He….

You can write your responses in the comment section for these situations and we will try and rectify them.

Thank you,

Team airforcestudy!

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