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Operation Brief Details

Operation  Parakram
The operation was launched after the 13 December 2001 attack on 
the Indian Parliament. Thousands of Indian troops were deployed 
along the Indo-Pakistan border. The operation was the largest military 
exercise carried out by any Asian country.

Operation Cactus
The operation was launched in Nov 1988 on call of Maldives 
President MA Gayoom, who was under threat of a coup from 
mercenaries. The three services of India launched the operation and 
captured the mercenaries.

Operation Trident 
This was a naval offensive operation launched on Pakistan's port city 
of Karachi by the Indian Navy during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. 
India celebrates its Navy Day annually on 4 December to mark this 

Operation Vijay 
Launched in 1961 to liberate Goa from Portuguses control.

Operation Vijay 
Indian operation to push back the infiltrators from the Kargil Sector.

Operation Vajra 
Launched in Sep 2002 to evacuate Akshardham Temple in 
Gandhinagar, Gujarat of terrorists.

Operation Black 
Launched by DGP KPS Gill in 1988 to rid the Golden Temple of 

Operation Blue  Star
Launched during the reign of Mrs Indira Gandhi in Jun 1984 against 
the Sikh militants operating from Golden Temple.

Operation Black  Tornado
An action by National Security Guards against the 26 Nov 2008 
terrorists attacks in Mumbai.

Operation Green  Hunt
The name given to Government's paramilitary offensive against the 
naxals in the 'Red Corridor'.

Operation Brasstacks
The operation was launched by the Indian Army in November 1986 to 
simulate a full-scale war on the western border.

Operation Meghdoot
An operation launched by the Indian Military to capture the Siachen 
Glacier in the disputed Kashmir region in April 1984. The Indian troops 
finally gained control of the entire Siachen Glacier.

Operation Pawan
 It was the codename given to the operations by the Indian Peace 
Keeping Force to take control of Jaffna from the LTTE in late 1987.

Operation Safed  Sagar
It was the codename assigned to the Indian Air Force's strike to 
support the Ground troops during.

Operation Vijay Kargil.
Operation Talwar This refers to the deployment of Naval Fleets in the North Arabian Sea 
during the 1999 Kargil conflict between India and Pakistan.

Operation Dhangu Suraksha
This refers to the operation launched in Jan 2016 to neutralise 
terrorists who attacked Pathankot air base in Punjab.


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