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IMPORTANT FACTS about Indian Constitution

• Constitution of India Contain 395 articles in 22 parts are inserted later through 
various amendments.

• There are 12 schedules in Indian Constitution. The title is mentioned for all articles from 1-395, Separated under various parts and chapters.

• We the people of India , having solemnly resolved to the Constitution of India into 
all its citizens.

• The preamble of the Indian Constitution, is a part of our new ambitious article series if Indian Constitution and Polity.

• Nature of India: Sovereign -India is internally and externally sovereign.

• It has a free government, which is directly elected by the people and makes laws that govern the people.

• No external power can be dictating the government of India.

• Socialist-Socialism as an economic philosophy where the means of production and distribution are owned by the State.

• Secular- Features of secularism as envisaged in the preamble is to mean that the State will have no religion of its own of all persons will be equally entitled to the 
freedom of conscience.

• Democratic - Indicates that the Constitution has established a form of Government which gets its authority from the will of India.

• Republic-The president of India is elected by the electoral for a term of Five years.

• Indian Institution has much wider significance, but it is not explicitly mentioned in Indian Institution. 

• Constitution, parliament has the power of amending.

• The First Amendments 1951-related to Fundamental Rights.

• Quorum for either House is 1/10 of the total number of members of each House 
including the presiding officer.

• The committees and their members are Privileges are provided by the Constitution.

• It needs the support of 50 members.

• A No Confidence Motion, need not to specify the reasons for which it has been moved.

• It passed the Government has to resign.

• Guillotine-Due to lack of time demand for grants to vote.

• House on the last day of the allotted time it is called Guillotine.


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