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Commands of Indian Army
 Command                            HQs
1. Western Command -   Chandimandir
2. Eastern Command        Kolkata
3. Northern Command      Udhampur
4. Southern Command      Pune
5. Central Command         Lucknow
6. Army Training Command Shimla
7. South-Western Command Jaipur

Commands of Indian Navy
 Command                               HQs
1. Western Naval Command -Mumbai
2. Eastern Naval Command -Vishakhapatnam
3. Southern Naval Command -Cochin

Commands of Indian Air Force
S.No Command                  HQs
1. Western Air Command -Delhi
2. South-Western Air Command -Gandhinagar
3. Central Air Command -Allahabad
4. Eastern Air Command -Shillong
5. Southern Air Command -Thiruvananthapuram
6. Training Command -     Bengaluru
7. Maintenance Command -   Nagpur

Coast Guard Regions
S.No Regional HQs        HQs
1. Western Region (W) - Mumbai
2. Eastern Region (E) -Chennai
3. North East Region (NE) -Kolkata
4. Andaman & Nicobar Region (A&N) -Port Blair
5. North West Region (NW)- Gandhinagar

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