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Daily Current Affairs One Liner on 23 Mar 2018

● Today is World Meteorological Day.

● World Meteorological Day Theme 2018  : "Weather-Ready, Climate-Smart

● Singapore's Changi Airport has topped in the list of 'world's best airport

● first National Conference on Drug Law Enforcement in New Delhi.

● Chandigarh Becomes North India’s 1st City to Install Digital Automatic Speed Gun Cameras

● 1st Indian Sign Language Dictionary of 3000 Words Launched

● 105th Indian Science Congress- DRDO Gets ‘Most Informative Pavilion’ Award

● John Bolton Replaces McMaster as US National Security Adviser

● Balesh Sharma Named CEO of Vodafone-Idea India Merged Entity

● Elavenil Valarivan Wins Gold in Junior ISSF World Cup Shooting

● Canadian Mathematician Robert Langlands Wins Abel Prize

● Union Government decides to declare 2018 as National Year of Millets

● World’s longest sandstone cave discovered in Meghalaya : Crem Puri

● BrahMos supersonic cruise missile successfully test-fired from Pokhran in Rajasthan

● India to be 3rd largest tourism economy in 10 years: Report

● Andhra Pradesh Government launches NAIPUNYA RATHAM or World on Wheels

● New India Assurance launched mediclaim policy named ‘New India Global Mediclaim Policy’

● G.K. Reddy Memorial National Award for journalism to senior journalist Karan Thapar.

● Maldives President Abdulla Yameen lifts state of emergency after 45 days .


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