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How to fill RTI application form

Any RTI Application, to start with, requires a subject on which to write an RTI request. The RTI application must be on Application Format prescribed under the RTI Rules applicable to the concerned public authority.

Simple ways to fill RTI Application Form
Object of RTI Application

There must be an object for filing RTI Application. RTI is useful only to seek and obtain information from concerned Public Information Officer of the public authority, holding such information or having control over such information. RTI is just not a tool to air and settle grievances. Applicant must, therefore, be very clear as to what material information available with public authority must be sought by filing RTI Application?

Subject of your query

Any RTI Application, to start with, requires a subject on which to write an RTI request. The thought need to be translated into easily understandable topic title. Like you may come across with broken road in your society (A thought). This need to be translated into actionable term such as 'Broken Roads at Mahavir chowk'. Now this further needs to be translated into 'Information under RTI Act 2005 regarding road repairs done by Municipal corporation in the last 3 years' (Topic Title).

This Topic title can be used in your RTI Subject. This shall not only give a right perspective to the Government officer who shall give you the information, but shall also become a reference point for all future correspondence.

When there are more than one Public Information Officers in a Unit/public authoirty, the subject line helps the Nodal PIO to mark the Application to the concerned PIO

Choose the Department

After identifying the information required, next step is to identify the department or public authority holding this information. At times, there is difficulty to identify the exact department. Eg there are many agencies involved in execution of road work, such as NHAI, CPWD, State PWD, State Road Development Corporation, Municipal Corporation, Gram Panchayat etc. In many cases, it is very easy to identify the department such as Revenue, Passport, EPF etc.

Where there is doubt about the exact public authority, it is better to search website of possible public authorities with appropriate search string. Eg details about the jurisdiction of CPWD and exact public authority can be searched in web site Public Works Department, GNCT. Details of Public Information Officers of Central / State public authorities are mostly uploaded on their website under RTI Caption, which include telephone numbers also. PIO's office can be contacted to ascertain whether the subject matter pertains to them. E.g NHAI, CPWD, State PWD, SRDC or Municipality can be contacted to ascertain whether the maintenance / on-going work on a patch of road is being executed by them.

Another way is to visit the nearest office of the possible alternate public authorities and enquire from them. You can also seek guidance from someone who is acquainted with subject matter such as friend, neighbour, acquaintance working in State / Central Govt department, who can help you in identifying the exact department holding the information you want.

Find out PIO (Public Information Officer)

After identifying the department (Public Authority), the next step is to identify the concerned Public Information Officer. There may be different PIOs in same public authority, dealing with different subjects. In such cases, there may be Nodal PIO to receive and distribute RTI Applications as well as supplying information. However, when different PIOs of same public authority having different Appellate Authorities also, there may be different Nodal PIOs for each such administrative unit and the RTI Application needs to be submitted to the correct public information officer. The list of PIOs and subject matter dealt with by them shall be available in their website. Eg List of PIOs and Appellate Authority of PWD GNCT can be viewed in this link: Public Works Department


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